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    v8 disco 2 4.0 p0340 fault code

    What reader are you using to find the code I found the generic ones didn't show the faults as well as the one designed for land rover like the hawk eye. What problems is it giving? Mick
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    Lpg problem

    Hi all hoping some one has some experience with LPG I have a couple of problems with my LPG set up and would appreciate some advice. The engine is a 4.2 rover V8 on twin SUs freshly installed runs okay on petrol al being a bit rich probably because the needles are worn. LPG is an open loop...
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    1991 3.9.v8 turns over but wont fire

    Did you change the ignition amplifier with the dizzy? Mick
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    Engine is worth very little but you have just devalued your car by about 50% original 2 door ranges are very sought after. Mick
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    annuver winch qs

    What type of winch is it? If its the one with a drum brake you may find the brake is seized on with water and mud take of the drum knock out the brake clean up and replace. Mick
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    V8 Disco Possibilities

    If the disco suspension is similar to the p38 the air bags are easy to change don't even have to take the wheel off and about £60 on eBay Mick
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    V8 Disco Possibilities

    Yea sorry about that but just trying to demonstrate plenty of v 8 engines about not a huge job to swop and a disco 2 if in good nick is worth saving Mick
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    V8 Disco Possibilities

    Hear you go Cheapish engine Mick
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    stripping 110 200tdi

    Hi does the car have a rear wiper motor ? Mick
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    Classic Range rover, Seems a decent price....

    If its an LSE as advertised it should have a 4.2 engine either the engine has been changed or the advertiser doesn't know what he has. Mick
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    Running rough when hot need help

    A good candidate would be the dizzy amplifier playing up when hot. Mick
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    clutch adjustment after it came back from garage

    is the new clutch okay or slipping? If its slipping there is a problem with slave or master cylinder. I had a simulate problem with my 200 TDI 90 slipping on hills clutch was fine renewed the slave and master and it is okay don't realy know what was wrong. It is something to do with trapped...
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    clutch adjustment after it came back from garage

    Looks like the adjustment has run out of thread because there are 2 nuts on the cylinder side you will need to remove one of those nuts to get more adjustment. There is also different slave cylinders and a spacer on some slave cylinders. Mick
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    V8 Please Help!

    It could be that you haven't bled the system well and have a massive air lock if you have you could of over heated and blown the gasket. Check the water level not just in the over flow tank remove the plug from the top of the radiator. Mick
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    V8 Please Help!

    I'm sure some one with more info than me will come along shortly but The 3.5 doesn't suffer from slipped liners so unlikely to be that. The composite gaskets would make it less likely to have blown a gasket ( although on a low comp engine like the 110 it will make the comp lower surprise its not...
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    Anyone with an l322 diagnostic in Cornwall?

    If it is revving up and down around 2 k revs it's probably the torque converter quite a bit about it on FFR forum. The diagnosis equipment won't log it. Mick
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    Disco 2 engine swap...see what I did

    Have you had it through an MOT? Wouldn't have thought it would go through the emissions check. Ah just noticed your not in England great idea then. Hope all goes well. :-) Mick
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    gearbox trouble can anyone help

    Put your thread in the Freelander section sure someone will help you there. Land Rover Freelander - Land Rover Zone
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    ignition module

    If the Amp is on the distributor (They are sometimes on the inner wing by the coil) mark the position of the distributor, loosen it off and the spin it round until you can see the module it held on by 2 8mm head bolts. Mick
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    Anyone help with this towing question

    We have the same trailer that is towed with a L322 Range rover with no problem at all. I don't up the tyre pressure when towing but the trailer is level. As above check the level without the horses. We have standard tyres so not sure what the effect of offroad tyres would be could they have more...