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  1. halo

    tight nuts.....

    personally i'd go see a doctor if your nuts are that tight :eek::D
  2. halo

    bobtail discovery build up/project thread

    but you've shortend the chassis by however much is irelivent its classed as radically altered and gets a Q,cos thats all i was gonna do but as you stated in an earlier post your not too fussed about that but most insco's are. oh and yes disco's are 100" wheel base hence the reason i was gonna...
  3. halo

    bobtail discovery build up/project thread

    exactly he's a "tester" and dosent make the rules'dvla do, reason i know this is i'm planning on building a 100" from a disco and have spent the best part of two weeks researching the in's and out's and finally ended up with the link i posted. just thought i'd try and save you the trouble,good...
  4. halo

    bobtail discovery build up/project thread

    sorry to burst your bubble dolly but vosa dont make the rules on this nor do they advise on it they are soley the dvla and dft's testing department,try sending an email and pictures to these people explainig what you have done if you want a deffinate and legal conclusion...
  5. halo

    new build registraton

    hello killnorton,what your about to read will probably make your eye's water and cause a little nausia but only if you want an age related reg plate. firstly asuming you have the id from the donor vehicle and you have purchased a brand new chassis'you will only need two major component's from...
  6. halo

    £1500 for 6bhp anyone??

    :eek: wtf you can get a full brand new 2.8 tgv lump for just under 5k with all that kit allready bolted to it
  7. halo

    Discovery 2 TD5 Rock sliders

    give iannotts a pm ;)
  8. halo

    Southdown Snorkle

    if thou dose a search for sais item you could be quite suprised at what you might find ;)
  9. halo

    New rock sliders...courtesy of Ian Notts

    here you go incase people cant open the linky ;) i'm having some made for my disco :) top guy is ian.
  10. halo

    hot discvery!

    Blue :d
  11. halo


    thats that then one R plate 100" disfender coming up :cool:
  12. halo


    hope your sharing that :D
  13. halo


    tis a bit of a long winded process but if you want age related plates it's worth it,you just got to do it by the book and make sure all relivent paper work and documentation is spot on,lets face it if your gonna take on a project like this it's got to be done right else you just as well not bother.
  14. halo


    yup scrap my last post got the sva hand book now,all 178 pages of it :doh: if kit car builders can get age related plates then this is gonna ba a doddle on a landy 150 squids for the iva though :mad: but no mot for three years when passed as it's classed as a new vehicle :D with age related...
  15. halo


    right just had a good long conversation with an sva/iva technition and because there would involve alterations to the chassis however small it's a 50/50 gamble on whether you get issued a "Q" plate sooooo it doesent look like i shall be partaking in this venture after all unless i can get a...
  16. halo


    no'there not structural to the chassis it's self.they are only structural to the body hence the reason why you can replace them.
  17. halo


    it does state in there somwhere that out riggers and mounts arnt structural and therfore dont count as chassis mods,plus i'm not using rrc or series parts bob :)
  18. halo


    i found this site while trying to find deffinate answers,some interesting reading on there. Welcome to ACE - Association of Car Enthusiasts (ACE)
  19. halo


    here you goo DVTA Vehicle Testing - ECWVTA
  20. halo


    red!! and all that have contributed thankyou very kindly,as and when i start i wil document and photograph the whole thing but it will take as long as it takes as i want it all done spot on cos it's gonna be for keep's is this.:D