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    Soft top brackets/gutters - DIY?

    Thanks for the offer, I may just suck it and see, 1.2mm is easier to work with than 2mm so I think I'll give it a shot.
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    Soft top brackets/gutters - DIY?

    That's useful to know, I wasn't aware of that. I may see if I can get a second screen to modify which would make life a bit easier. Any ideas what thickness of metal is used for the brackets? I have a load of 1.2mm mild steel which I think would be ok, 2mm seems a bit overkill.
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    Soft top brackets/gutters - DIY?

    Morning all, I've recently bought myself a full tilt for my 109 and have been toying with the idea of making my own door gutters, brackets and possibly sharks tooth rail too (I need to check the width of the bender in the workshop at work) as if possible I'd rather not throw the best part of...
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    Series 109 6 cylinder diesel

    I presume to the left of the picture, you can see two silver injector pipes running out of shot to the left.
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    ratrod rover

    Looking good but I'm surprised you haven't ground back the welds before priming it.
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    Indicator stalk bodge (bloomin bus drivers)

    That must have been what happened ;-)
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    Indicator stalk bodge (bloomin bus drivers)

    Cheers guys, a replacement stalk is in the post, should be fixed by the weekend. If the bus stop is on the carriageway and traffic has to go round it, then yes that's fairly sensible but when the bus stop is a layby so the bus isn't presenting itself as an obstacle in the road then pulling out...
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    Indicator stalk bodge (bloomin bus drivers)

    Was driving on an A road this morning, doing 40 mph (40 limit) and I had a bus driver indicate and pull straight out infront of me from the bus stop set back from the carriage way, obviously being a bus driver means that indication gives you right of way... Anyway, I jumped on the brakes and the...
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    Straight 6 rebuild

    Drove to the MOT station this morning and was going fine till I indicated to turn into the garage at which point the indicator relay started clicking double quick, bugger, blown bulb or dodgy connection thinks I. Did a quick but of poking around in the car park but couldn't solve it so went and...
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    vils 110csw rebuild

    What's the plan of attack? What needs fixing/fettling/replacing?
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    My new insurance £72????

    There was a not too happy AF customer on here not too long ago, there's quite a long thread kicking around on it. I chose not to renew my policy with them due to the way they handled the matter.
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    V8 into Series 3 - bulkhead Q

    I'll try and remember to take some measurements/pictures of the transmission tunnel on mine so you can see if it matches up with yours. It won't be tonight as I have plans but I'll try and get it done tomorrow. Alternatively you're welcome to come have a look yourself, I'm in Radstock so not far...
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    V8 into Series 3 - bulkhead Q

    I presume you'll also be looking out for a Stage One bulkhead too?
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    V8 into Series 3 - bulkhead Q

    I think the edge of the passenger footwell where it attaches to the transmission tunnel is a bit different too, the generic replacement footwell I bought and fitted on the near side needed a little pushing around to fit in place.
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    V8 into Series 3 - bulkhead Q

    As John says, good luck finding a straight 6 bulkhead, I've recently done some fairly extensive repair work on mine due to the difficulty of finding a replacement! PS - No you can't have mine.
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    Defender heater matrix Happy reading! :)
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    Defender heater matrix

    I thought he was on about how hard the water pump would have to work in pushing the coolant through the two matrices. Not that I expect it'd make much difference as they're tiny compared to the size of the radiator that it also has to push fluid through.
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    Defender heater matrix

    You may also want to check for leaks in the air flow, the standard heater box can leak at the seams and the lower dash rots and leaks air out.
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    Straight 6 rebuild

    Glad you enjoyed it. There will be more to come in the not too distant future when I pull the gearbox out!
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    Straight 6 rebuild

    Cheers guys, it could have really spoiled the weekend! Once bitten twice shy, I won't be relying on just the standard bonnet latch any more, I was trying to keep this vehicle as standard as possible but safety trumps originality in my books. With the vehicle being pained NATO green anyway some...