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  1. generaldogsbody

    Help needed please.

    that sounds like a plan,cheers very mutch discool.
  2. generaldogsbody

    Help needed please.

    1998 V8 Disco.Faulty alarm,my disco kept on immobilising.To get it running i had to set the alarm off,turn it off and on wait 5 min then it fired up.I was running it up temp when it just stopped,now there is no spark.Would a faulty spider stop it sparking.It was running and just stopped,ps...
  3. generaldogsbody

    Thermostat sealing ring V8.

    Am still baffled,discovery 3.9 v8 thermostat sealing ring.I got two different sealing rings with my new thermostat.When i took the old thermostat out,there was'nt any seal on it.Does the v8 have one on it.
  4. generaldogsbody

    Thermostat sealing ring.

    Just finished doing the head gaskets on my disco 1 3.9 v8,i took the old thermostat out but there is no rubber sealing ring on it.When i put the new sealing ring on the thermostat,the cover doese'nt fit back on.Should it have a sealing ring on the thermostat,or does the thermostat just fit in...
  5. generaldogsbody

    3.9 v8 temp senders.

    I bought it with an overheating problem the water pump was gone, so i put a new one on it did about 8 mile got stuck in trafic and it boiled.Av threw money at it,recon heads,composit gaskets,arp studs and nuts.Am still putting it back together, to be honest i dont think there was anything wrong...
  6. generaldogsbody

    3.9 v8 temp senders.

  7. generaldogsbody

    3.9 v8 temp senders.

    I think i will just change the dash temp guage one,it only read 1/2 way and my engine overheated.i was running it with the expantion tank cap off,and when i turned the engine off,all the boiling water shot out like a guiezzer.
  8. generaldogsbody

    3.9 v8 temp senders.

    them's em,but theres etc 8496,etc 8496g 8496r,they all look the same.Then when i do a compatability check,it says this item does not fit landrover discovery lj ,lg 1989-1998 suv.and it says that on them all.
  9. generaldogsbody

    3.9 v8 temp senders.

    Can someone please tell me the part numbers for thease two temp senders.Disco 1 1998 3.9 v8.The two near the thermostat.I can find them on ebay,they are on the list,but when i do a compatability check they come back as won't fit, i am confused.
  10. generaldogsbody

    sodding earth wire

    Cheers for that,i will have a look.
  11. generaldogsbody

    sodding earth wire

    Disco v8 N/S rear of cylender head earth wire,i forgot to put it back on before i torqued the head up.I cant get the bugger on now,has anyone put the earth wire somewhere else.
  12. generaldogsbody

    Disco 1 O/S Cylender head.

    Look at the state of this,worse than it looks on the photo. The new head N/S torqued up,didn't seem anything wrong with the old one.The O/S head is ready for lifting off,this must be the one that's blown.Notice the brownish colour on the O/S and all the tappets are dry.Is this the cause of...
  13. generaldogsbody

    Arp studs and nuts

    Cheers for that info.
  14. generaldogsbody

    Arp studs and nuts

    I am in turmoil,a few are saying they stripped threads at 80.I think i will stick to 70,am still unsure.
  15. generaldogsbody

    Arp studs and nuts

    Does anyone know the cylender head torque settings for studs and nuts,disco 1 3.9 v8.I really would be glad of the numbers.Some say 50/60/70 some say 75, i do not want to strip the threads.Can i use liquid molly as lube or should i use enging oil,i got to get it right it's cost me a small...
  16. generaldogsbody

    clean pistons.

    The quickest and easyest,sounds good.
  17. generaldogsbody

    clean pistons.

    Heads are off,whats the best way to clean all the black stuff of my piston tops.
  18. generaldogsbody

    TTY studs and nuts

    My composit head gasket set came today,went the whole hog and ordered tty studs and nuts.Has anyone used them,and could you give me the torque settings please.
  19. generaldogsbody

    Disco 1 v8 head bolts.

    cheers for that,will crack on when it stops raining.