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  1. Take5

    K and N v ITG air filters

    Twisted performance uprated intercooler will give you more grunt, a few turns on your wastegate to increase pressure will help and about a quarter turn on your fuel regulator cone to increase the mixture. Basic mods that don't cost a fortune and give loads more bottom end. Assuming it's a 200...
  2. Take5

    MOT Passed!

    Reading through the MOT testers manual, if your emissions on the first run are below 1.5 it passes. If above, the average of 3 runs is taken which has to below 2.5 for n/a and 3.0 for turbo motors. A maximum of six runs can be taken in order for 3 consecutive runs to average below the...
  3. Take5

    Brakes let go

    No wonder he fookin crashed then, shoulda bin lookin at the road ahead ;)
  4. Take5

    Cleaning AFM and other Bank Holiday activities

    Reet, so the K&N on me Rangey was caked up wi shoite and seriously needed cleaning. After trying every possible outlet to get the proper cleaning stuff I went in desperation to Minispares (North) as I went past on me way to the tip. They had the stuff and it were half the price that Demonchavs...
  5. Take5

    alternator wiring

    One of the contacts is for a rev counter. Dafty posted the wiring colour codes here Brown is Battery feed, Brown/Yella is no charge light. Other terminal is for Rev counter.
  6. Take5

    Jumping out of Diff Lock

    My V8 hybrid Range-Fender used to do the same thing. Dismantled it all and cleaned it up and seemed to be OK after that.
  7. Take5

    What to use off my Doner Disco

    Yup, you really need an exhaust bigger than 2 1/2" diameter. Steve Parker down pipe from the turbo is required as well - shouldn't be too expensive for a new system. Dont fit the centre box though, just have a straight through tube going to the back box. I would be tempted to "modify" the...
  8. Take5

    are they trying it on??????

    Before you go buying a special tool for removing it, make sure you get the right size. Newer VFU's have 32mm nut and older ones have 36mm nut so they'll end up ripping you off twice at £7.99 a pop when a low profile 12" adjustable is fine for removing them.
  9. Take5

    Ooops, Help!! I bent me steering arm and damper

    Dan bars are made by Dan Evans Protection & Performance Ltd
  10. Take5

    Heavy duty propshaft or Cardon?

    Go for standard prop as you only need a fancy one if your going for a lift kit greater than 2"...
  11. Take5

    are they trying it on??????

    £180 for viscous coupling!!!!????? Bought a new one fer £30 from Paddocks. Old one were a **** to get off, but no where near 5 hours labour...
  12. Take5

    Illegal to wear Hi-viz

    Coal miners wear orangey red ones - compulsory.
  13. Take5


    I'm with Red on this one. 3.9 on LPG, no cat, Rimmer Bros tubular headers, standard centre pipe and sebring stainless sports back box. Sounds very subtle and has a nice induction snort through the K&N. A Disco TD5 back box gives it an even nicer sound though...
  14. Take5


    Are you sure that's legal? Or were there not enough pies to eat...
  15. Take5

    Anyone know where I could lay my hands on a Radiator today?

    Did a temporary repair on one that looked like a seive once, but went a step further and used a load of self tappers araldited into the bigger holes. Lasted about 8 months...
  16. Take5

    Help on defender 90 shock absorbers

    Reet, Disco I, RRC and Defender 200/300TDi all used same suspension arrangements - same shockers, different rated springs. From Disco II onwards they use different, P38 use different again, and when TD5 Deepender came out, they used yet different shocks again. I would imagine it's to do with...
  17. Take5

    v8 is 'Tappety'

    122k on the clock is probably one or a combination of the following. Slack timing chain, worn camshaft, worn tappets, worn rockers/rockershaft. You can replace the lot with "performance" parts (fast road Cam, hardened duplex chain, new tappets, rockers and rocker shaft) for under £300 if you...
  18. Take5

    Illegal to wear Hi-viz

    Ah, found it. Compulsory in Austria, Spain, Belgium, Norway and likely to become EU wide legislation in the near future. Near bottom of page... Driving in France, speed limits in France, driving laws in France, French motoring rules and regulations.
  19. Take5

    Illegal to wear Hi-viz

    Dunt bother me, I got a hi viz in the back of me Rangie and another in the back of me 90...
  20. Take5

    Advice on Defender 90 Stage 2 tuned to 190bhp

    Erm, damage to your wallet is a common problem and very serious with the current price of Diesel...