P38A Electric window not working. Where to start?

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52 classic

Well-Known Member
On a bit of a roll today! Oil change this morning, next job in line is a faulty electric window.
Passenger side front. All other switches in the console and at the doors are working fine.
Switch panel now out of the housing, doorcard removed, everything dry and clean. No obvious broken wires or anything stuck. What's next? Tester on the multi plug at the motor - with ign key IN :- Blue/yellow & Red/yellow have power, Brown/black no power. (top row). On bottom row:- White/grey & green/grey No Power, Centre yellow has power. The 'up/down' switch itself or the 'off' switch have no effect.

On one of my 'oldies' I'd be swapping switches for elimination purposes but I'm guessing that a Rangie is too complicated for that treatment and I'm better off with the wisdom of the LZ crew.
On a bit of a roll today! Oil change this morning, next job in line is a faulty electric window.
Passenger side front. All other switches in the console and at the doors are working fine.
Switch panel now out of the housing, doorcard removed, everything dry and clean. No obvious broken wires or anything stuck. What's next? Tester on the multi plug at the motor - with ign key IN :- Blue/yellow & Red/yellow have power, Brown/black no power. (top row). On bottom row:- White/grey & green/grey No Power, Centre yellow has power. The 'up/down' switch itself or the 'off' switch have no effect.

On one of my 'oldies' I'd be swapping switches for elimination purposes but I'm guessing that a Rangie is too complicated for that treatment and I'm better off with the wisdom of the LZ crew.

Usually but not exclusively the switch on the switch pack itself will have lost contact. Can be cleaned but a ball ache to do.
If it's not the switch pack then the door outstation is the next port of call Dopey's went tits up a couple of months ago .
What age is this?

Possibly the doorcard has been off and someone hasn't clipped the wires back in properly so the window mechanism has fouled the wires and broken one.

I'd try some electrical contact cleaner in the switches first. I know it shouldn't work but I did it to mine when I got it and no issues since. That was years ago now. It certainly won't hurt anything.
Thanks for the ideas gents. Firstly, I don't think the doorcard has ever been off before. The membrane is factory stuck and intact. Checked the path of the wiring - all OK. Stripped the switchpack back to the board and components then used switch cleaner but no luck. Tomorrow, I'm going to try the delicate task of removing the switch and cleaning the contacts. If that doesn't work then I think a secondhand switchpack is in order. at the very least I'll have some good switches for swaps.
Do you have access to a nanocom? if so you can remotely operate all windows etc via the BECM module... So if the switch pack is playing up the window will still work....but if the window doesn't work it is likely a BECM/ outstation/ motor issue - which is how I diagnosed Dopey's...just have a spare outstation or two on hand - they're about 10 quid off ebay
Pretty keen on Rob's idea and although I don't have access to nanocom I am reaching the conclusion that since I'm committed to keeping the car for the long term that such a thing ought to be on my shopping list.
However, I spent the early morning dismantling the errant switch, inspired by wammers as ever........ A delicate but rewarding job it was too. - particularly when, upon putting it all back together - IT WORKED!!
What a fussy little component is that switch! On a roll now, think I'll attempt some open heart surgery this afternoon.
Also used the opportunity of the door card being off to clean up the exterior door handle. smoothed out that annoying stickiness they have. So its a good day, thanks again to LZ gurus.
Pretty keen on Rob's idea and although I don't have access to nanocom I am reaching the conclusion that since I'm committed to keeping the car for the long term that such a thing ought to be on my shopping list.
However, I spent the early morning dismantling the errant switch, inspired by wammers as ever........ A delicate but rewarding job it was too. - particularly when, upon putting it all back together - IT WORKED!!
What a fussy little component is that switch! On a roll now, think I'll attempt some open heart surgery this afternoon.
Also used the opportunity of the door card being off to clean up the exterior door handle. smoothed out that annoying stickiness they have. So its a good day, thanks again to LZ gurus.

Well done you. ;)
How did you clean up the exterior handle? Stickiness is not a great problem but really gets on my t1ts
Drivers door handle had bleached to almost white on my project car (we get a lot of sun here:p), I painted it with paint for plastic as a temporary measure, looks a lot better:)
Oakey, handle removal was easy, disconnect the red clip to the lock, remove the Torx bolt on the edge of the door and rotate the handle horizontally thro' 90degs plus. Would have loved a repair kit but had to make the most of the opportunity with the door card off! Everything was dry and tight in there. I examined the cam and the pawl carefully and just filed and eased to get a bit of extra clearance at the contact points. Then lubricated everything. I used 3 in 1 and silicone grease but I expect most things would do. Is it perfect? I don't think so, not quite. But the missus' response was reward enough. Oh, you've fixed that door handle!
OKEY! None of my windows roll down! the whole Windows Consul is just dead! Thought about asking Bill Gates about it.
Even the Rear View Mirrors will not move or adjust!
Is there a 12v DC Supply that goes into the doors or a main fuse?
Seams as though a DC supply has been cut!
I cant seam to gather any info about possible Fuses or 12vDC Cable runs before I take off the dreaded "Door Cards etc.
I.e. "Suddenly it was all gowne"! No window movement etc at allez me old Arab!
Can anyone please help?!
Thank you all from Rob in deepest South Gloucestershire near Tim Fry if all else fails!