Recent content by TheQ

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  1. T

    Newbie from Norfolk

    Welcome, there's a bit of it about , landys in Norfolk that is.. Was walking the dog on the coast of Norfolk a couple of hours ago.
  2. T

    fitting doorseals

    Ive an early 110, and got the later seals , I fitted them by gluing them on with " sticks like sh*t" or something similar. They've been on for over 10 years now without problems. Apply glue to seal , apply seal to door, Shut door. Come back 24 hours later.. Seals stuck to door.
  3. T

    Defender 1985 county lock system

    Some early 90 / 110 models had recessed handles AND wind up windows, mine does.
  4. T

    Lock Issues in the cold

    PTFE lock lubricant... Or
  5. T

    What have you done on your 90/110/130 today?

    We are between gales, it's cold wet and windy out there plus I'm heading for 70, so no inclination to get out and under... So it I took my 110 into the nearest landrover enthusiasts garage for a full service on Wednesday for work on Thursday... As I drove into their driveway , the landy lost...
  6. T

    Better when cold?

    Yep my 200tdi is noticably better on a cold , particularly misty morning.
  7. T

    Tax + MOT exemption... I'm confused!

    There's a budget tomorrow. I wouldn't be surprised if the money grabbing barstewards do away with the free road tax.. My 110 is 40 in November...
  8. T

    Hello from Scotland!

    Welcome to the mad house Spacebrodie, Am not far from you at the moment, in Bo'ness for a family reunion. Like Saxavordian, ex RAF, but was a radar tech. So I've lived on Benbecula twice, went to school on South Uist ( for a short time) and in Inverness for somewhat longer. Enjoyed the...
  9. T

    Colour Codes

    Colours fade or darken with age, it's likely you'll never match the old colour perfectly
  10. T

    I would just like to say

    The view from the sailing club.
  11. T

    I would just like to say

    Just though you'd like to see our regatta.... In 1908... And a slightly more recent one in 2021, Two hours and I'll be there.
  12. T

    I would just like to say

    I would just like to say, today starts regatta week, Horning regatta started 1903, which means we had the regatta almost 4 times as often as that minor event in Paris. I've been attending for the last 45 years. The weekend sailing is on the Broad, but from Monday to Friday, it's on the river...
  13. T

    Correct Psi

    As above with the tyre wear. I run my 110 at 36 ish all round, but heavily loaded or towing up to about 48 at the back, though at max the book says 65.
  14. T

    cb radio handset sets off wipers

    Type "clip on Ferrite rings" into Amazon. Should stop strange transmissions, clip one round your DC feed wires to the CB set, and with your mic problems one round it's cable would be a good idea too.
  15. T

    Tow hitch height versus horse box issue (Defender 110 2011)

    Remember to keep the pin and linch pins greased. Because if not greased when you need to change height they'll have rusted solid .. As I found out, as now I have two trailers needing different height settings.