Recent content by tacr2man

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  1. tacr2man

    265/75 R16

    YES and YES :)
  2. tacr2man

    Jatco Gearbox Fluid. What Are The Alternatives

    Just recently bumped into guy who I sold one of my freelanders to ,and its still going well and no probs with box and its still on ATF-U HTSH
  3. tacr2man

    series 3 wheels and tyres??

    The ideal if you can find them are the one ton or Fc rims . I have run them tubeless for donkeys years without any probs apart from one that had a slow leak at one of the rivets .
  4. tacr2man

    Red Booster Clutch Servo

    I have fitted quite a few to landrovers , and earlier landcruisers , just used the mini or mg brake remote booster you can get a kit from HK for about £70 .
  5. tacr2man

    Starting 2a petrol

    At 11.9 volts the battery is only at 40% capacity , and would need a good set of jump leads from another vehicle with engine running at good level to bring battery voltage up before trying to turn over on starter. Having boosted the battery for say 10 mins try to start by button /key . If it...
  6. tacr2man

    130 camper build

    It wouldn't take a lot to mod that ladder you have in the pic , its basically a flat plate hinge that's fixed to floor inside the box and rubber flap seal fitted to bottom of door . The body looks nice , love the poptop ! Lot of work self-building tho :) Keep up the good work .
  7. tacr2man

    130 camper build

    this might give you an idea on access steps , i have gone a similar way on them in my Bucher duro the advantage is that you can operate them from inside vehicle . BTW we met at Duns Tew @lozza59 :)
  8. tacr2man

    The new defender!

    "Snap" and you're back in the room . :) Having owned every model of Landrover made upto start of Evoque except a Lwt and several Freelander1 and a 1 FL2 yes the FL is a 4x4 but is not in the ball park compared with a series or defender when the going gets tough . That doesnt make it a...
  9. tacr2man

    The new defender!

    What Landrover could have built or been similar to as a true replacement for a defender The other thing Landrover dont seem to be getting is that the different models , including this defender wannabe are all selling into the same market segment , that is they are competing with themselves ...
  10. tacr2man

    The new defender!

    You've just made the main point of this failure on the part of landRover , its a replacement for a Forrester , not a defender .
  11. tacr2man

    The new defender!

    It was so foreseeable . Its a vehicle version of an "app" whereas the original defender was a vehicle version of a hammer ! Its not even a good interpretation of a real landrover , its another variation on a theme that is Velar , evoque, Discovery sport , RR sport ,FFRR . I dont need...
  12. tacr2man

    6-Wheel Drive Discovery II - Am I totally mad ?

    The 6x6 drive that Foley use is very expensive , and then you also have cost of building a box , and modding chassis , by the time you have built a 6x6 on a landy of any sort you will be over 3500kg . I looked at changing my 110 to 6x6 but worked out for what you end up with wasn't worth...
  13. tacr2man

    Defender 110 LandRover 110 CSW 1985 3ltr TDi Camper Defender

    As it mentions in the listing , have reached a point of reality where I am having to let my 110 that I have owned 30years go to a new home :( I am hoping to find a real enthusiast to use and care for it :) Its listed on ebay , with basic spec , pm me if you want to ask or clarify ...
  14. tacr2man

    diesel engine massacre

    nothing a set of rings wont sort !!
  15. tacr2man

    Fog lights replacement options

    If the foglights are wired so that you have to have sidelights on , you will have to have another relay in circuit so that they go off when you operate dipswitch to dip , to be legal , as you can only have one pair of dipped headlights on at a time other than in fog or reduced visibility (less...