1. S

    Irish rovers?

    Hello all, Sideline here from Sligo. I have a P38A DT which is sitting in the garage outside after getting a heater core Oring replacement. I have the dehumidifier on inside to dry out the carpet. Ill be bringing it for a spin tomorrow to test out the job. Good to see a bit of activity in this...
  2. S

    Drivers Window won't stop.....

    Well that means a new driver side regulator for me so as I have the same symptoms. Thank you for the information lads.
  3. S

    P38 Towbar electrics coding?

    Thanks from me as well. I need to get a tow bar on mine.
  4. S

    EKA input routine.

    Well a week later and everything going to plan. No need for jump leads and frost on the windscreen two morning as well. Key fob opening and closing through new RF receiver no problem. Fingers crossed I have a reliable starting Rangie. Thank you everyone for their help.
  5. S

    p38 key code

    Try charging your battery. See my thread on EKA reset.
  6. S

    EKA input routine.

    Fair play to Mozz. I can't really help on any of that Steve only as above to check your battery voltage. Hopefully the new receiver will make a change for the better.
  7. S

    EKA input routine.

    I charged the battery yesterday. It read 12.6 volts. I started to input the code and got distracted by my dog. Opened the door to cancel the input and said I'll try and see what would happen if I try to start it. She started. So I can't really say what the problem is yet. As I mentioned in my...
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    EKA input routine.

    Right you are Datatek:) I was think only of the barrel. I'll soon have them worn out if I don't get to the bottom of this.
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    EKA input routine.

    Thank you Rasheed. I'll check battery voltage so before I try it this evening after work. I have the new RF receiver connected although I have reconnected the old one as well to try and see if that would make a difference. I doubt if there is much wear in the door lock mechanism as I always...
  10. S

    EKA input routine.

    I spent a good while at this last night.I input the code about 15 times then it worked. Hazards stopped repeating as I was putting in the code and I could see the light coming up on the dash acknowledging each turn. Great I said to myself. Hopped in turned the key in expectation and the...
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    EKA input routine.

    She is a 01 clarkie so needs the four turns to the left. I tried cracking the code this morning for half an hour, no joy. I'll have another go this evening. I have reset it twice before so the code is correct. Everytime I turn the key the hazards flash. And then on the third digit they stop...
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    EKA input routine.

    On there? I should have that as Datatek sent it on to me on disc a few months ago. I'll check this evening.
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    EKA input routine.

    Thanks biggeeeee.I have no handbook for mine. I thought you had to go four clicks to the left first of all before entering code.
  14. S

    EKA input routine.

    My P38 has been giving me grief the last few weeks with an engine disabled showing on the dash. I have been disconnecting and reconnecting the RF receiver to sus out my battery drain so I wasn't really concerned about this and it used to start eventually any way. Last wednesday though I...
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    Engine disabled

    Thanks lads, I'll input the EKA code this evening. I plugged it in last night I thought it might pick up the new sensor. The battery needed a charge anyway after my attempts at starting. We had our first fall of snow here last night I would like to have taken the P38 to work instead of my...
  16. S

    Engine disabled

    Thread hi jack here again. I am getting engine disabled read out on my P38a DT. I fitted my RF receiver from Island 4x4, no joy. Is it plug and play or do I have to do a reset?
  17. S

    Creak from rear axle.

    Not a great discription looking back I agree. I was comparing it to the body roll effect in relation to the chassis. I had it down for something in the suspension system. Ah well a simple but embarising fix.
  18. S

    Creak from rear axle.

    Well I finallly found out what the noise was:5bblush5:.I suppose a creak wasn't the best discription. I opened up the spare wheel area and spotted a couple of heavy wheel nuts dislodged from where they should be stored. They had the effect of rolling backwards and forwards with the starting...
  19. S

    Creak from rear axle.

    It sounds like movement in a bush. If you locked on the brakes and had forward and backward movement from the axle up it seems to cause this. The most place I notice it is at a junction at the bottom of a hill near my house. The momentum of the upper body when I brake is carried forward and this...
  20. S

    Creak from rear axle.

    I have a creaking noise from the rear axle area on my 2001 DT when coming to a halt using the brakes. It occurs again when the brakes are released and the drive engaged. I dont think its any thing to do with the drive train. I thought it to be torque or momentum affecting a bush that I can't...