1. S

    Vehicle Tracking: A Beginners Guide

    Hi, Read this thread with interest. It's been a few months since the last post and i wondered if the information was still up to date? I saw the Amazon units are still for sale and if they are still out there and working i'd be tempted. That said, if units like PebbleTracker reduced my...
  2. S

    Its been a bad day !!!!!

    Listen man, there is no need for that. I don't think a snide personal attack is at all grown up or needed in any way. I came to this forum to chat with like minded land rover enthusiasts. Most of what i have found so far is racist bigoted commentary from people old enough to know better...
  3. S


    I am sorry if my comment upset you. I was sure I was posting on 'LandyZone'... Not 'BigotZone'.
  4. S

    Its been a bad day !!!!!

    I totally agree.
  5. S

    Its been a bad day !!!!!

    There is a large house with grounds in my village which houses people with spacial needs. I have never heard a bad thing said about it but remember a similar place in Northampton that raised local objections because they thought it would lower their house prices.. :confused:
  6. S

    anti 4x4 brigade!!!!!!!!

    Now that the excessive marketing push is wearing off there are more and more whispers emerging about how hybrid vehicles are not as environmentally friendly as the manufacturers would like us think... http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/consumer/caring/article.html?in_article_id=414825&in_page_id=511
  7. S

    anti 4x4 brigade!!!!!!!!

    Hemp.. It would have revolutionised the world had it not been for the U.S's blanket prohibition of it. The diesel engine was developed to run on peanut and hemp oil. It is surly strage considering the covered wagons and infact the original stars and stripes were made of it...
  8. S

    anti 4x4 brigade!!!!!!!!

    Great post Adz.. Although I would love to know how much more domesticated cattle there is in the world now than back in Custers time. I wish that bio-diesel was the answer.. I did a podcast on it ages ago (www.documentally.com) but it turns out supplying the worlds vehicles would mean massive...
  9. S


    I know there are a few 4x4 converts here in my village. My 90 has turned into an all terrain taxi.. :D
  10. S


    Spoken like a true fascist.. :) My work has taken me to some of the darkest places on the planet where life is cheep and often taken in the most horrific of ways. This is where my opinions were born. I feel we need to educate people rather than ridicule them. That said.. You don't...
  11. S

    anti 4x4 brigade!!!!!!!!

    I don't know if anyone saw Newsnight the other night.. http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/newsnight/2007/02/meet_daisy_the_cow_global_climates_enemy_number_on.html It stated that 18% of the worlds greehouse emissions came from livestock! This is truly massive. I wonder how many of these...
  12. S


    I don't think so.. should i?
  13. S


    I am all for freedom of speech. All i am saying is that in this day and age where the world is fraught with inter-racial fighting, you have to tred carefully as it is all too easy to offend. What to you may be a simple word often used down the pub, to others signifies a perpetuation of racism...
  14. S


    No not for having a different viewpoint or even language use, but for breaking the law. It's the forum owner that is held ultimately responsible for the content on the site. Especially if it shows language that may be construed to incite racial hatred. Anyway like i said.. I am hoping it...
  15. S


    This must be a spelling mistake. I find it hard to believe that anyone on this forum would use such ignorant language. I run a few forums and have banned people for being racist. I can't help but notice there is not an option to draw the attention of the moderators to a thread with suspect...
  16. S

    Speed querie???

    No.. Northampton to Wales and back.. :)
  17. S

    Speed querie???

    My 96 300tdi (99,000 miles) will sit at 70-80 happily and does so often all the way to Wales and back. It may be worth having a check up.
  18. S

    Defender owner from Northamptonshire

    Cheers.. No it is my dad's farm in north wales.. He has five star self catering accommodation for £40/room (bargain) should anyone want to crash out after a hard days green lane-ing. :)
  19. S

    hiccup at the 'other site'

    No! :D What i meant is that it was a blessing because if it wern't for the hiccup I would not have spent the time browsing for this far superior forum with it's friendlier people and better layout.. *creep creep* :D
  20. S

    Defender owner from Northamptonshire

    Hackers on Landy forums.. wow.. Haven't they got anything better to do.. Thanks for the welcome guys.. (Pigpen, would that be a garage in the North of Northamptonshire? :) )