
New Member
We've got about 4" here in Southend. If your going out today don't forget to take a coat, spade and a flask of tea. Then if you get stuck you can keep warm and have a nice cuppa while the ****** digs you out.
We've got about 4" here in Southend. If your going out today don't forget to take a coat, spade and a flask of tea. Then if you get stuck you can keep warm and have a nice cuppa while the ****** digs you out.

The Race Relations Act 1976 makes it illegal to treat someone less favourably because of the colour of their skin, their race, their nationality or their ethnic or national origin.

According to the Commission for Racial Equality (CRE), racial discrimination in the UK is more likely to be against people from ethnic minorities, but it can happen to anyone. The Crime and Disorder Act 1998 also created new criminal offences in relation to race, such as racially aggravated criminal damage, assault and public order offences. And another law, called the Public Order Act 1986, makes it illegal to incite racial hatred, whether through the language used or through actions, such as distributing racist leaflets. Penalties are severe for anyone convicted of a racially motivated crime.
tis bright and sunny here with a light northern breeze; it just remains to be seen which t shirt to wear when i go out later
This must be a spelling mistake. I find it hard to believe that anyone on this forum would use such ignorant language.

I run a few forums and have banned people for being racist.

I can't help but notice there is not an option to draw the attention of the moderators to a thread with suspect comments.

As far as the snow goes here..

It's Great!
good idea ban someone for having a differing viewpoint to yours... and is it really racist??
good idea ban someone for having a differing viewpoint to yours... and is it really racist??

No not for having a different viewpoint or even language use, but for breaking the law.

It's the forum owner that is held ultimately responsible for the content on the site. Especially if it shows language that may be construed to incite racial hatred.

Anyway like i said.. I am hoping it was a typo.
how can his comment incite racial hatred.. it no worst than me being called tight because i'm a jock.. oh! sorry i racially abused myself there , i meant scottish or the likes of yella being called a sheep shagger because he happens to live in wales.
if alll you have to worry about is a bit of name calling and friendly banter then you are indeed blessed.
Thank you Monsieur Slob (I won't call you a garlic eating hun just in case), but a bit of banter and an off-the-cuff remark is far removed from inciting racial hatred. FFS, this is nearly as bad as listening to the BB-PC news at 1. Abu Hamza, now he was inciting racial hatred and look where it got him - left us with a 50 grand legal bill for us law abiding citizens to pick up :mad:

Sorry about the rant, just no ferker seems to have any common sense any more. New Zealand here I come...
how can his comment incite racial hatred.. it no worst than me being called tight because i'm a jock.. oh! sorry i racially abused myself there , i meant scottish or the likes of yella being called a sheep shagger because he happens to live in wales.
if alll you have to worry about is a bit of name calling and friendly banter then you are indeed blessed.

I am all for freedom of speech. All i am saying is that in this day and age where the world is fraught with inter-racial fighting, you have to tred carefully as it is all too easy to offend.

What to you may be a simple word often used down the pub, to others signifies a perpetuation of racism as a continued motivating factor in social discrimination.

I am afraid this is a subject that could be debated forever. I tell you what.. Why not start your own thread entitled.. "Words others may find offensive but that i like to use." :)
dear mr cinq
you can call me what ever you like ,it dunt bother me,here are some that you might like to try

porridge wog


skirt wearing blue faced git

fat lazy ****

french ctun


or the afore mentioned tight wad

there you go
better not call the english the 's' wurd
I am all for freedom of speech. All i am saying is that in this day and age where the world is fraught with inter-racial fighting, you have to tred carefully as it is all too easy to offend.

What to you may be a simple word often used down the pub, to others signifies a perpetuation of racism as a continued motivating factor in social discrimination.

I am afraid this is a subject that could be debated forever. I tell you what.. Why not start your own thread entitled.. "Words others may find offensive but that i like to use." :)

ffs how can a selection of sounds be offensive??
ask mondo what offensive is

as for yer dumb arsed sugestion , well just about any thing could be sed to be offensive if the receiver wants to take it that way.

stop being so namby pamby and realise that you just give fuel to these people that like to use it as an excuse to get violent.
if people didn't make such a fuzz over it then it wouldn't have half the effect it does now.
ffs how can a selection of sounds be offensive??
ask mondo what offensive is

as for yer dumb arsed sugestion , well just about any thing could be sed to be offensive if the receiver wants to take it that way.

stop being so namby pamby and realise that you just give fuel to these people that like to use it as an excuse to get violent.
if people didn't make such a fuzz over it then it wouldn't have half the effect it does now.

Spoken like a true fascist.. :)

My work has taken me to some of the darkest places on the planet where life is cheep and often taken in the most horrific of ways.

This is where my opinions were born.

I feel we need to educate people rather than ridicule them.

That said.. You don't know how tempting it is right now for me to criticise the tabloid scanning, sofa surfing, TV worshipping fools that make up the lathargic majority of this fair nation...

But I won't.. I'm better than that. :D *

*(Satire used in the hope it is understood as such.)
Spoken like a true fascist.. :)

My work has taken me to some of the darkest places on the planet where life is cheep and often taken in the most horrific of ways.

This is where my opinions were born.

I feel we need to educate people rather than ridicule them.

That said.. You don't know how tempting it is right now for me to criticise the tabloid scanning, sofa surfing, TV worshipping fools that make up the lathargic majority of this fair nation...

But I won't.. I'm better than that. :D *

*(Satire used in the hope it is understood as such.)

you don't half sprout some ****
Lighten up fellas, we should be using the snow to bash the anti 4x4 brigade. Its just what we've been waiting for. Hope it continues moving to us poor northerners. Only got a dusting currently in Yorkshire.
Its great to get out of bed and be p1$$1n meself laughing within 5 mins.

OBTW about 5 inches here.

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