The party activist and professional lobbyists know that we are too busy working for a living to organise an effective collective co-herent response,
Hence why this so group green group have grabbed the attention of the masses who after all can be manipulated rather like the proverbial herd of sheep.
How ever they will jump from subject matter to subject matter like locusts attacking groups and purporting the green credentials as camouflage for those who most probably failed their car test!!!!!
The party activist and professional lobbyists know that we are too busy working for a living to organise an effective collective co-herent response,
Hence why this so group green group have grabbed the attention of the masses who after all can be manipulated rather like the proverbial herd of sheep.
How ever they will jump from subject matter to subject matter like locusts attacking groups and purporting the green credentials as camouflage for those who most probably failed their car test!!!!!

look to save time and peoples eyesight why not just say....
"them greenies, thur all ****ers"
I sent them an email inviteing them to drive my landy, I said if you think you can manage 12 forward gears and 3 backwards and four gearsticks they were welcome! they realy need to get proper jobs.
I do wonder about these greenies. Its like the vegetarian who wears leather shoes. We all use energy in some form or other. A greeny in a 1.3 car by himself is worse than a 4x4 with 4 people in it if you think about it. I dont know why a 4x4 (especially a 7 seater) is such a bad thing?
What we need its lots of SNOW then 4x4 owners are everyones friend! funny that!
yer missin the point here.
until it became a fashion item no one paid much heed if you had a 4x4 . now that the streets are full of them and greenham common is closed . the greenies have switched from nukes to orf roaders... let them get shot of the fashion statements and once the numbers of 4x4 drop they'll move on to something else.. microwave ovens probelly
and yer right about 'if you wanna own a 4x4 then you should be able to' but if you want to enjoy yours in peace without the hassle of these ****s then help them achieve a partial goal then they **** off to attack private jet owners or some other minority group

it likes wiff kids you don't go head to head wiff them. you just let them think they have won

Slob for prime minister!!
Well .. EL Presidenteeeee

I shall look to becoming a guinea pig farmer in southeast Peru and get lottery funding for my 4x4....Then with the profits I shall join the prophets and purchase my very own peerage title.... Hence forth I shall become Lord Landy of rover-shire....
anti 4x4 is jealousy - nothing more - nothing esle...if its about emissions- why dont they attack the lorries and vans that go through london or the older cars that are probbably worse offenders than a new 4x4...the same issue if its just about their 'foot-print'....if americans were all to stop driving tomorrow the chinese would replace the emissions within 3 years with the rate they are increasing theirs currently.The burning of the crop fields in Indonesia does more damage on its own as do the underground chinese mines that are on fire and burning vast amounts of ****e into the atmosphere.
Cars are not the big issue with global fact the car industry seems to be the only one making any effort in improving the efficency of its output. This government has no interest in green policies- we all know its just about taxing us more and paying for more middle management in the NHS.
I am sick to death of every soddin know-nothing politican and tree-hugging- anti-soddin-everything toss bag blaming 4x4 drivers.

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