
All was going well today until my 2pm client came in.

Now my client was as lovely as ever, it was what she told me that made me upset.:mad:

She is a care worker for a large charity that provides long term residential care for young adults with specail needs, the charity have recently purchased a large 5 bedroom house in a very nice residential area and last month 4 residents moved in and made it there new home.

The residents suffer from epilepsy and learning problems, however with support and care from the staff they have a full and happy life, infact 3 of the residents are studying at the local college 4 days a week.

So i hear you say, whats the problem ?, Well its there neighbours, over the past 9 days they have started to cause trouble and have told the care workers that "WE DONT WANT THERE KIND LIVING HERE", They have also blocked the drive with cars preventing access to the property.

So ive now written to all there neighbours asking if they could please stop blocking the drive and ive also asked if there are any matters that they feel need to be addressed.

At 7pm tonight i hand delivered these letters myself, All i got for my trouble was a load of verbal abuse, Now this is a so called nice area, with nice people, But after tonights episode im not so sure.

Anyway, This is not my usual field of work so i really need a bit of help from you all, Would you accept into your community a place which offers a safe environment for people with specail needs ?, or would you oppose such a house ?, Please keep in mind that they cause no problems for the neighbours, such as, noise, threatening manner, extra vehicles traveling to and from there house.

All i can say is, if they needed a safe loving home for one of there family, would there reactions still be the same ????? I think not, dont you ?????
an anonymous letter to the local rag should do the trick. they love this kind of stuff.
bet the local tv news would be there like a shot too.
Cheers Ormus,

I know the editor of the local paper so i will give him a ring in the morning;)

Im doing all there work for them free of charge, Its one of those times when money is a dirty word:)
sound like a right bunch of B'stards, it could have been a bunch of Pajero owners moved in.
I think I would object to living in an area with "those sort of people".

Think about it before you react.
did you know 'pajero' roughly translated into english is the japanese word for w##ker:D

its not japanese ye tulip... not even the japs are daft enough to call it 'the ****a' in their own language its either spanish or greek depending who you listen to
here ye go

The Mitsubishi Pajero, known as the Mitsubishi Montero in the Americas and Spain, and as Mitsubishi Shogun in the United Kingdom, is an SUV built by Mitsubishi Motors. The name Montero (meaning "mountain warrior") was used because Pajero is slang for ****er in Spanish.

Thanks to its success, the Pajero, Montero and Shogun names were also applied to other, mechanically unrelated models, such as the Pajero Mini kei car, the Pajero Junior and Pajero iO/Pinin mini SUVs, and the Mitsubishi Pajero/Montero/Shogun Sport.
Would you accept into your community a place which offers a safe environment for people with specail needs ?

There is a large house with grounds in my village which houses people with spacial needs. I have never heard a bad thing said about it but remember a similar place in Northampton that raised local objections because they thought it would lower their house prices.. :confused:
There is a large house with grounds in my village which houses people with spacial needs. I have never heard a bad thing said about it but remember a similar place in Northampton that raised local objections because they thought it would lower their house prices.. :confused:
you see shepherd this is what you could call offensive, behaving irrationally towards people just because they int been gifted with the mental capacity of others. instead of ostriche sizeing them, they should be made a part of the community.
unless they have a history of harming either themselves or others, in which case they are other enviroments more suited to their needs.
a bit of name calling is not offensive even if some people like to think so.
theres nowt wrong with having a home fer disabled folks near you, be it physically or mentally. its a funny world we live in, when i was a kid we used to call em mongs, then this was considered offensive so they were re branded spastics, shortened to spaccas, then this became offensive so they were re branded yet again as down syndrome. now adays they are just called disabled. to be honest i dont think most of em care what thewy are called. my sister has a disabled son who could be reffered to as either a mong or one of these types, its pretty much the same thing. would i want one living next door to me?? i'd rather that than a family of dole scum
There is a place in the town i live, i know one of the guys, he is in his 20's and has the mental age of about 14.
He got beat up back in June! Lucky i spotted it from down the road and stopped the bastard before it got any worse!
Hi all, lively as ever.
My step daughter and stepson work with special needs young adults (Whilst training to be Teachers.) and there are simply not enough places for them or help and to be honest there is no problem with them in the community. We should not ignore them or hide them but be proud to say i helped someone who could not help themselves.

Cheers, Nick.
Just another thought, are any of the adjacent propertys for sale or look likely to be?

Cheers, Nick.
Well what can i say ?????

Thankyou does'nt seem to be good enough.

I will keep you up to date with any news:D

Thankyou all again:)
Ardnut, I'll let you decide how I meant it but I'll give you a bit of info to assist you in your decision. I've been working with "mongs" and "spaccos" on a voluntary basis for the last 20 odd years. You'll never meet a more loving social class of person.

I'm not sure who benefits more from the work that is done. Is it the "client" (I hate that phrase) who has a day away from what is the norm, is it me by feeling a sense of worth for giving some time to them or is it the parents by benefitting from the respite afforded them?

The new buzz word is no longer "client" its now "service user" :eek:

Ive been to see the gang tonight, They welcomed me like a long lost family friend, I sat and did a jigsaw with a young lad called Carl, He has epilepsy and learning problems, He is 28 but has the mental age of a 9 year But is more alive than most of his neighbours, I had a great time with them all and felt privaliged to be in there company:D

My sister has been a carer for children with specail needs for over 15 years, I am so proud of her and take my hat off to all care staff :D
ohhhhhh ..... "service user" ..... thats so much better. Not.

I prefer to use loads of different names for them. Peter, Steven, Clair, Ronnie ....... and so on.

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