Just to clarify a couple of points.

1) Was it **** as like a "typo". For your information you politically correct pratt, its a typing error, not a ****ing "typo". If someone is black then they are a ******, if they are light brown then they are a Paki, if they are oriental then they are Chinkys. Theres no insult intended, its purely referring to someone by a predominant identifying feature. If I refered to an Afro-Carribean person as a black **** then it would be an insult. ****** is a term odf reference for the purpous of my second point.

2) Read this carefully you humourless pillock. ITS A ****IN JOKE. Do you understand? Its not to be taken seriously. Its a series of words intended to cause laughter by using a juxtposition or a play on words. The last part of the diatribe cleverly switches the meaning of the word "spade" from a digging implimant to a colloquial term of reference for a person of Afro-Carribean descent in order to provoke a reaction in a humourous way. Sorry if that intention went over your head and you missed the point but thats all there was to it. It was a bit of fun.

3) Have a look in the dictionary for the words "sarcasm" and "satire". Learn the difference and then attend night classes in how to usefully apply the words in everyday language in thier correct context.

4) So you've been all over the world. So bully for you. I too have travelled widely. Sometimes of my own violition and other times at the behest of the Sovereign of my native land. When I travel of my own violition I like to learn about other cultures but always whilst maintaining a sense of humour. I find this sense of humour invaluable as wherever I have been in the world I have found one truth to be inviolable. That truth is that mankind is a ****-taker and I have had the **** taken out of me world-wide. My sense of humour (standard issue, Mk 1, for the use of) has allowed me the advantage of recognising when someone is haveing fun and when someone is truly being threatening, obnoxious or aggresive. I suggest you learn those differences. When I have travelled abroad at the behest of our Queen I have generally left the sense of humour at home and instead taken with me an SA-80L1-A1 and a few 5.56mm high velocity rounds. This has afforded me the luxury of not haveingto reconise the difference between humour, obnoxiousness or arrogance. People all over the world understand that you don't **** with the man with the gun unless you are prepared to pay the ultimate price and explain the mis-understanding that ensued from your **** taking to the Devine Creator.

In short Mr Shepherd, don't lecture me on your left-wing namby-pamby do-gooding ways. They are your rules for life, not mine. You live by your rules, I'll live by mine. You can be an internet warrior if you want, thats your choice. Fight your good fight but leave me out of it. I'll continue to judge people by thier actions and not the colour of thier skins but I'll also maintain my right to utilise a sense of humour.

If there is anyone on here of Afro-Carribean origin who was offended by the original post then I do apologise, the intent was at humour and not at offence. I also apologise for the offence cause by "Shepherd" who obviously is of the opinion that you are not capable of getting offended of your own accord. He meant well and did not mean to be patronising toward you or your sensibilities. I'm apologising on his behalf as he is probably unaware of the offence that he could cause by assuming that you are incapable of recognising the difference between a direct insult and a joke.
jolly well said that man!
stand up and take our applause for that well thought out statement to a pratt of the highest order
and may i say i too have been abroad serving the old country but not wiff an sa80 we prefered the 203. for its dual purpose useage.

anyway well done that man!!
Just to clarify a couple of points.

1) If someone is black then they are a ******, if they are light brown then they are a Paki, if they are oriental then they are Chinkys. I have had the **** taken out of me world-wide.

If there is anyone on here of Afro-Carribean origin who was offended by the original post then I do apologise, the intent was at humour and not at offence.

I am sorry if my comment upset you.

I was sure I was posting on 'LandyZone'... Not 'BigotZone'.
Ahhhh ...... selective quotation in order to prove a mute point. How very clever of you.

Grow up and get into the real world.
I had a row with a shop assistant in derby once, when i asked how much the "golliwog" was, she said "oh no, its a Gollie", i said NO, ITS A GOLLIWOG. This went on to a similar coversation about PC crap.

Oh and i was in the ATC for one night.............i got thrown out,:confused: so i tried to serve my country.;)

ha ha ha, well said shedster im with you on this one, as fer you shepherd go play with yer politically correct friends in the lro forum. you only came on here cos yer own site is so ****e they decided to pull it. shut the door on yer way out, theres a good boy
ha ha ha, well said shedster im with you on this one, as fer you shepherd go play with yer politically correct friends in the lro forum. you only came on here cos yer own site is so ****e they decided to pull it. shut the door on yer way out, theres a good boy

Please make sure that it's well shut, as that catch can be a bit dicky in this cold weather.
Hi Landyzoners,

This is my first and last post. It concerns remarks made by a few members of your forum. They justify comments as a “bit of banter” and a joke. Some forum members pointed out they could be breaking the law and that it is causing offense. Is the spade “joke” funny? The list of racial slurs against other ethnic groups is insulting no matter how light-hearted it was intended.

Neither satirical nor sarcastic.

Here is one definition from the shorter Oxford English Dictionary you should look at: racism
1. the prejudice that members of one race are intrinsically superior to members of other races
2. discriminatory or abusive behaviour towards members of another race.

And for one member, here is another: typo
noun (pl. typos) informal a typographical error.

A drunk driver that has no harmful intent but it doesn’t prevent him from being a danger. My point is, it can be what you say not just how you say it. Surely everyone can see that suggesting someone is likely to rape your grandmother is offensive no matter what the context. It’s racist. Your moderator should have removed it. I’m offended by it. It’s being reported.
Hi Landyzoners,

This is my first and last post. It concerns remarks made by a few members of your forum. They justify comments as a “bit of banter” and a joke.
You do like working in the plural, don't you? It wasn't "members" it was me, singular. Please don't make things up. I never dismissed the joke as "a bit of banter" I dismissed it as a joke. Probably because it was a joke. If you look through earlier posts in this thread you'll find an explaination of a joke. It may help you.

Some forum members pointed out they could be breaking the law and that it is causing offense.
You really do need top take some classes in English language. Your sentances do not make sense. Is English your first language?

Is the spade “joke” funny?
It would depend on your sense of humour. To me and others who aren't up thier own arses, yes. To you, an obviouse arse dweller, no.

The list of racial slurs against other ethnic groups is insulting no matter how light-hearted it was intended.
What "list"? Where is this "list" that you speak of? Get your facts straight, learn how to use the English language and then try again. Your boring me.

Neither satirical nor sarcastic.
That is neither a sentance nor statemement, it is incomplete. Could yopu please contextualise the group[ or words in order that they may make sense?

Here is one definition from the shorter Oxford English Dictionary you should look at: racism
1. the prejudice that members of one race are intrinsically superior to members of other races
2. discriminatory or abusive behaviour towards members of another race.

I prefer the Cambridge version

the belief that people's qualities are influenced by their race and that the members of other races are not as good as the members of your own, or the resulting unfair treatment of members of other races

Which was the point of the intial post. Such bigoted views in this day and age can only be considered outdated, outmoded and insulting. The joke took a peice of sound advice and turned it into bigotry. That was where the humour came into play, by utilising the juxtposition between the friendly advice and the hateful racism in such contrast that the result is to incite laughter. Its called humour and has been used in the same way for centuries.

And for one member, here is another: typo
noun (pl. typos) informal a typographical error.

Excellent. Your first step on the way to learning English is the recognition of the fact that you need to know how to use a dictionary. You have mastered this, good luck with your further learning.

My issue with the word "typo" is in its origin. Its another American over-simplification of the English language. I don't like or agree with it. Just because it has made its way into the everyday language and therefore into the concise English dictionary's doesn't make it a real word IMHO.

A drunk driver that has no harmful intent but it doesn’t prevent him from being a danger. My point is, it can be what you say not just how you say it.
You've been drinking haven't you? Or are you just a gibbering idiot? A drunk driver is dangerous by virtue that he is incapable of controlling his functions due to his inebriated condition and therefore should not be allowed to operate a complicated peice of machinery that could easily cause harm, injury or even death to others should he do so. Are you saying that all people of Afro-Caribean descent are drunks? Or is it that you think that they drive like drunks? Or maybe that some people are unable to control a vehicle due to thier ethnic background? I find such racial stereotyping shocking in the extreme. You ought to be reported you racist git.
Surely everyone can see that suggesting someone is likely to rape your grandmother is offensive no matter what the context.
Its not offensive, its sick. My Grandma died 14 years ago. I thought necrophilia at least required the corpse to be intact.
It’s racist. Your moderator should have removed it. I’m offended by it. It’s being reported.
Jolly good. When you report it make sure that you do so in a coherant manner as you coul end up reporting yourself judging by the way you've written this.
makes me **** all this liberal pinko PC shyte.
all the real problems in the world and all they can do is goto the supreme court over a single word.
ffs weve got social workers letting kids die. weve got corrupt and incompetant politicians. weve got a legal system thats played as a jokey game. weve got a press thats only interested in some fat ugly bird from a council estate. weve got a NHS thats a wasteful disgrace. weve got a million civil servants that are neither civil nor servants.

the list is fecking endless.

i need to lie down now.
A Croatian dies and goes to Heaven. When he arrives he is asked by St.Peter "What are you here for"

"I'm here for Jesus" replied the Croatian.

St.Peter turns round an shouts "Jesus, your taxi is here"

Report that one too.

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