1. chris.

    Greenlaning/Off roading

    ne ne ne ne nah ****s sake grow up what a load of ****e your like a bunch of dogs steve i will pm you the rest go suck ya mams nipple you are so territorial and slab ? dont even reply to this.....accy i will pm you 2mrw as well !!
  2. chris.

    for sale

    no problem ive replied ;)
  3. chris.

    for sale

    ormus i have a pal in fleetwood lancs who imports 3 containers at a time from china he has transport/storage pm me your number and i will pass it on to him
  4. chris.


    wheres donk gone ?
  5. chris.

    Superb half-day out Greenlaning.

    ya is spelt you and fer is spelt for you french knob and if your faulting my spelling read YA own posts first even YA sig is spelt wrong....he he he
  6. chris.

    Superb half-day out Greenlaning.

    he he it started of good but then it went utter bull**** for a change, maybe accy should have a section for the retarded or maybe a general chat section....but that would be to easy.............doh codbasher ive emailed you ;)
  7. chris.

    Help ! trying again

    looks like another new member has enjoyed the help from members of this site
  8. chris.

    Superb half-day out Greenlaning.

    hey this threads still going im amazed over 300 replys
  9. chris.

    Help ! trying again

    sammy what do you mean youve just posted
  10. chris.

    Superb half-day out Greenlaning.

    he he acy acy whos got the ball lmfao... xx
  11. chris.

    Hi (from Preston way)

    hi james im the other side of the 55 from you so where do you marshall ?
  12. chris.

    Superb half-day out Greenlaning.

    (coddy) ? wtf codbasher ive pm d you ,and banned ? hey if you are youll still sleep but dont post any pics of GREENLANING over 2 kmh
  13. chris.

    Best TV over xmas....

    hey youve changed your avatar now your a big pussy ;) YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
  14. chris.

    Best TV over xmas....

    someone on you tube hanging around ;)
  15. chris.

    Superb half-day out Greenlaning.

  16. chris.

    Superb half-day out Greenlaning.

    end of the earth BARROW in a mess ? ya cant damage that place not even with napalm so dont worry about a few pebbles ;)
  17. chris.

    Just broke down and I dunno why?...

    could just be a bad or dirty connection on the solenoid clean them with some emery cloth.or and check you have power to it
  18. chris.

    Hello from Suffolk

    Hi cobweb welcome and i know landys arnt cheap to run but neither are the other halfs ;)
  19. chris.

    Superb half-day out Greenlaning.

    nah if he feels like me im just ****ed of with the crap replys ive said before it started as a good thread...but hey ho,donk next time you go please do some blackberry picking and feed the birds...then post the pics i CARNT WAIT BUT DO GET TO MANY ACTION SHOTS ok im saying nowt else on this...
  20. chris.

    Superb half-day out Greenlaning.

    nice one it started of as good post some great pics etc but then went downhill if i see a topic i dont like i just ignore it but such is life one thing ive noticed since accy banned that bucket mouth for bad langauge it has deffinateley improved ok mate im takin the dogs catch ya later ;)