Now look what yer done Sheddy , youve upset donk!:eek: :rolleyes: ;)

Can't see why that would have upset Donk. It was a perfectly reasonable suggestion. Rather than having two events going to the same sort of area why not just have one event? Its all Landy related after all.

having two events for the same purpous is just factionisation, but happinnig on a forum scale is just pathetic.

Gaydon or Billing?
did donk tell you to say that?
its probelly taken the pair of yous this long to think that one up
Well he is acting 4 1/2 years old than you. If you dont have owt proper to say keep your yapper shut.

P.s. if i want your opinion on anything, i will give it you first!!
hat man you r one tosser, weakest link, how old r u 5!.
it nevva ceases to amaze me what these pair can come up wiff....the wit is completely underwhelming!
do they think they have manage to get another half brain cell to add to wot they ill reddy got?
that would give them ooooo! lets see now donk's and stevewot's brains plus 1/2 a brain cell..... eh ...0.5 braincells altogether.
if ma sums is right
ne ne ne ne nah ****s sake grow up what a load of ****e your like a bunch of dogs steve i will pm you the rest go suck ya mams nipple you are so territorial and slab ? dont even reply to this.....accy i will pm you 2mrw as well !!
can you pm me aswell?? and ah bet the rest of the FF would like a pm aswell aswell. come to think of it why dunt you pm everybody else aswell and be done wiff it.

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