
New Member
Hi all,

At last, I've managed to track down (what looks like :D ) a decent LR forum. I've just bought on '04 plate Td4 Freelander.... and I love it!

Hopefully I can introduce my new car to off-road (it doesn't look like it's ever seen a field!) , 'cause my hobby is motorsport support (primarily rally radio & marshalling), so most of my weekends are spent on forest racks and the like..... brilliant fun in my last car.... a Corsa!!!

I've already ordered loads of bits and pieces to add to it... I'll keep you posted (or probably ask questions as to why they wont fit!!)

Catch you soon,
Hi James and welcome, just a bit down the M6 at j27. I also use my LR for marshalling/radio duties, but mine are done on the Ford WRC tests (closed to public), if you are able to take time off through the week at all I can invite you up to the tests if you are interested ( we are only ever given 7 days notice and cannot speak about the venue before hand, definately no cameras allowed!!!). Have you taken your marshalling course yet? Barry
Hi Chris/Stig,

I've been marshalling for coming up to 10 years now. I started out life at Oulton park, solely doing track marshalling, I then got involved with a Rescue Unit (Phoenix Rescue) who introduced me to the wonderful world of Rallying. Since then I have been doing mainly rallying, with some track work (at most circuits in the UK) - I marshalled the GP for 4 years. More recently I have been in the Medical chase car for the Classic Rally Association 'Winter Challenge' (London->Monte Carlo) and 'Emerald Isle' (Circuit of Ireland). I'm more commonly heard as "Silk 17" on rally radio frequencies (Correction, "We're (the missis and me) more commonly heard as "Silk 17"!!!).

Stig - I have indeed done the course... I taught the first response / medical module on a few of them! I would be really interested in coming to the Ford WRC testing (I'll PM you my mobile number). If you've done Ford tests. you may well have come across the rescue units I've worked on: Harold & Les on Extractor Rescue and Rick Bate (Rescue-Tech-Wales)

Maybe bump into you sometime.... if you ever fancy co-driving the radio with me, just let me know!
Its normally EMU that attend the tests. Shall keep you informed of up coming tests. They have quite a few PR days for sponsors etc, both the wife and I have been fortunate enough to sit in the Focus through Comb with Francois Duval driving, son has been through Hobcarton with Matt Wilson.
Ah ha, EMU, Stuart Westbrook and his merry men!!

I'm now VERY green with envy.... I dread to think what my missis would offer for a chance to sit in the car, let alone be taken for a spin (she's a bigger rally fan than I am!).... Mk2 escort still wins in the style stakes tho!

CrazyLandyMan - It has to get me to work and back every day, so 3 year-old was the limit, and 10k the budget.... only Freelanders met the spec I'm afraid (I'll swap you for a Disco if you want :D )
Petter will have too much pressue this year having had a crap year in 06, the new stuff that has been tested recently by Ford is going to open a few eyes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The missus used to co-drive a GP4 mk2 back in the 80,s and was always in the top 10 on BTRDA events ( the last event she did was the Lakeland Stages which is now the Malcolm Wilson stages and they where lying 3rd overall until the engine seized because of a holed radiator that happened whilst overtaking another competitor in Comb)

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