
New Member
Been out in my freelander (t-reg, 1.8) as normal today but when I went to go back out in it this evening the darn thing wouldn't start up! :(

Nowt - not a sausage, ignition lights etc come on as normal but no ignition or tunr over of engine - in fact, totally silent (not even a murmer or click to indicate a faulty starter motor...):confused:

Tried to jump start it with leads off another car and nothing - didn't start.... :eek:

Have given up for the night and will try to 'bump' start it tomorrow but something's telling me things ain't right and I've got a strange, nagging feeling that it's not anything mechanical, but one of those strange only-ever-happens-to-a-freelander type problems:p

Anyone with any ideas for me if it won't start by bumping it down the road tomorrow?...is there any ignistion lock-out or immobiliser thing built in to the Freelander that might be causing the problem - it just seems so strange that one minute all was fine and the next I don't even get the thing turning over at all...

Any assistance appreciated!...
YEP YER GOT ER FUEL CUT OUT IN YER BONNET, OOPS ont caps thats better . . .look int book its got er yellow cap ta reset it. . .failing that check yer ingnition fuse. . . .un best oh luck. . . . :) :) :)
YEP YER GOT ER FUEL CUT OUT IN YER BONNET, OOPS ont caps thats better . . .look int book its got er yellow cap ta reset it. . .failing that check yer ingnition fuse. . . .un best oh luck. . . . :) :) :)

Cheers Ming, will give a go and let you know!
Search for CAPSUNLOCK in Google, and download a wee program that stops your INSERT key and CapsLock keys from screwing you up! It's great, and you can stop and start it as you wish.

the Inertia fuel switch wont stop the motor winding over... Its more likely to be yer starter motors on its way out ..give it a ****tin with summat see if it helps or bump it off;)
the Inertia fuel switch wont stop the motor winding over... Its more likely to be yer starter motors on its way out ..give it a ****tin with summat see if it helps or bump it off;)

Any clues as to where I can find the starter motor?..can't see it to give it a thud!
yo folks
had an identicall prob in my hippoo. mine would cut out whilst driving too - all lights on dash ok and radio worked fine - but no ignition. Leave it for 20 mins or so - OK. Took ages to identify - but woz found to be corroded contacts UNDER the fuse box in the engine bay - once re-terminated no probs at all - I would give that a go if you suddenly get total ignition failure.
Unlikely to be starter motor if it happened so suddenly, starter motors usually progressively fail (albeit very quickly)
Can't help with the starting problem but i would say not to bump start a motor with a cambelt. A bump start puts a hell of a strain on the belt and isn't the "gentle" geared start of a starter motor. Better to find teh fault than risk that, IMHO.
could just be a bad or dirty connection on the solenoid clean them with some emery cloth.or and check you have power to it
Rover starters are notorious for not working give it a tap on the starter solenoid usually works on daughters temporary 420 SDi.
Rover starters are notorious for not working give it a tap on the starter solenoid usually works on daughters temporary 420 SDi.

i think he would if he could find it;)

On the Td4 it on the front of the engine block with the thick wires goin to it;)
Bump starts are death to Catalytic converters unless the engine fires up more or less instantly.

Before trying a bump start on a petrol engine car try to make sure the ignition makes sparks.

With both diesel and petrol engines it can be a good plan to tow the car a bit with the steering UNLOCKED but the IGNITION OFF, in say third gear to get the motor turning over for a minute or so and the compression will warm the innards up quite a lot, and increase the chances of it firing up quickly.

Flippin weird or what...went out this morning all set to follow the steps of the mighty Ming and other posters and thought, I'll give it a try before I start and hey presto - started first time (and every time since) during the course of the day!??????????????????:confused:

I just dinnae understand it???...I'm thinkin that it's been auffy wet here and I'm wondering if (as a result of my schoolboy driving through puddles etc) if something has got wet or damp and has taken overnight to dry out?

No idea...

I skooshed all cables and stuff I could see under the bonnet with some WD40 as a precaution but it'd be good to know if you've any other possible explanations - or is it just that good old hippo 'magic' again?

Happy Hogmanay and best wishes for 2007 to all!:)
glad to hear that you are sorted and up and running

I had to check to see whether it was Jan 1st or April 1st when I read some of the posts regarding bump starting a car tho' :D :D
Flippin weird or what...went out this morning all set to follow the steps of the mighty Ming and other posters and thought, I'll give it a try before I start and hey presto - started first time (and every time since) during the course of the day!??????????????????:confused:

I just dinnae understand it???...I'm thinkin that it's been auffy wet here and I'm wondering if (as a result of my schoolboy driving through puddles etc) if something has got wet or damp and has taken overnight to dry out?

No idea...

I skooshed all cables and stuff I could see under the bonnet with some WD40 as a precaution but it'd be good to know if you've any other possible explanations - or is it just that good old hippo 'magic' again?

Happy Hogmanay and best wishes for 2007 to all!:)

Well I don't be-lieve it!!! it's happened again!!!:mad: Won't start again...off to check out the suggestions posted thus far!
ffs - read my piggin post - it will continue to happen randomly and fire up again as if nothing is wrong - that is exactly the same symptoms as mine!
glad to hear that you are sorted and up and running

I had to check to see whether it was Jan 1st or April 1st when I read some of the posts regarding bump starting a car tho' :D :D

Seen 3 or 4 cambelts snapped due to bump, or tow starting. Also snapped one myself after hitting a snow drift!

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