1. Guitarman

    Do you work here?

    Not me. Just got a rough idea of what was going on and decided (some)Americans are a bit silly.:)
  2. Guitarman

    Hi everyone...i'm new...be gentle!

    Your user name may get you some un-wanted attention. (See Daveys post). Seriously though, they're a great bunch on here. Have fun.
  3. Guitarman


    Hi Rob, Sounds like you've got some nice toys there. It's good fun here. Enjoy!.
  4. Guitarman

    Greetings from Bristol

    Hello from a fellow Bristolian, although I now live in the Highlands of Scotland. What part of Bristol are you in?.
  5. Guitarman

    Unluckiest Landy? (a general grissle)

    Welcome to the wonderful world of Land Rover ownership. Series Landys always seem to enjoy being "tinkered" with. It's all part of the Land Rover experience.:) Gaylanders don't count.
  6. Guitarman

    Sat Nav

  7. Guitarman

    Hello from the Highlands

    See what I mean?
  8. Guitarman

    whats it worth?

    Range Rovers? I've got three of the bloody things and will shortly be breaking a 3.9. So, in summary, Range Rover= Big Expensive Off-Road Armchair.
  9. Guitarman

    running on its own blood

    Probably an expert on horse **** too.
  10. Guitarman

    Hello from the Highlands

    Hello The Snapper from another Highlander. It's good fun here, if you don't mind being abused/ignored. Just sit back and enjoy the ride.:)
  11. Guitarman

    7.50" General SAGs

    How dare you use the words " guitar music" and "gaylander" in the same sentence. Didgeridoos' suck, oh hang on, I mean blow, yes, you blow into a didgeridoo.
  12. Guitarman


    Nice idea. If you want to pretend yer flying a Lancaster bomber.:)
  13. Guitarman

    7.50" General SAGs

    Oh gawd no!!!!!
  14. Guitarman

    7.50" General SAGs

    Pete townshend. Sabbath?
  15. Guitarman

    7.50" General SAGs

    The Grizzlys' were a xmas and birthday present form the current Mrs. Gman. Yup, a big Floyd fan, Dave Gilmour is a hero of mine. Been playing guitar for over twenty years and aspire to reach his skill level. not there yet tho' and probably never will be.
  16. Guitarman

    7.50" General SAGs

    My pleasure mate, and I bet they do look good. I put a set of Grizzly Claws on my 2A, loads more road noise but they do look good, and perform very well in the mud.
  17. Guitarman

    7.50" General SAGs

    You've been a silly arse for buying them..... And I AM in Scotland.
  18. Guitarman

    Slow gearbox

    I have. Sometimes you can get away with changing the filter and putting fresh oil in. If I remember correctly, you'll need to remove the front crossmember to get the gearbox sump off, which is a bit of a pain in the arse, but it's got to be worth a try. HTH.
  19. Guitarman

    Diesel Engine Colour

    Probably a friend of Hard0898 and Anthony the 'ard.
  20. Guitarman


    Is something going to happen soon? I don't want this venison going to waste! I've been sharpening my "Sgian Dubh". Just for Limp Noodles benefit, this is a small sharp hunting knife, pronounced "Skeen Dooh". Perfect for lopping off those shrivelled little excuses he has for balls.