
New Member
hi all!
just saying hello and having a mooch around. i found the site because i have only just got my first landrover and i was having a little trouble with first gear so i googled it and it had a link to this site so i thought i would have a look round!
as it says on my profile thing, i am twenty one and a student. i decided to buy my "mini monster truck" because i have had a vectra and a fiesta and a rover and they all felt small. i have two big dogs an it just made sense.....dont think i could get a little car again now!

anyway gonna shut up now but please say hello!

hello xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Your user name may get you some un-wanted attention.
(See Daveys post).
Seriously though, they're a great bunch on here. Have fun.
Guitarman said:
Your user name may get you some un-wanted attention.
(See Daveys post).
Seriously though, they're a great bunch on here. Have fun.
who says its "unwanted"? let the lass speak for herself :p

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