
New Member
Right all I'm sure that you'll remember I asked a while ago about fitting 7.50" General SAGs (Crossplies) to my 88" SIII. Well I took the plunge and fitted them two weeks ago (£350 for a set of 5). Picture will follow in due course but suffice to say she now looks like a proper Landy; these tires are HUGE. Managed to find some good mud and it the performance is amazing. On road? Well the steering is now definitly vague:) but that's how I remember Landys anyway, the road noise is there but adds to the whole experience, mpg is down about 4 at the moment but most trips have been short and the gearing is definitly longer.

Overall they're tops so far. I'll keep you all posted and stick a photo up in the next few days.

So what's the point? None at all unless anyone wants to pitch in and tell me I've been a silly arse buying them in the first place:)
Thanks Gman I knew that someone would care eneogh to point out the error of my ways. They do look fekin good though.
My pleasure mate, and I bet they do look good. I put a set of Grizzly Claws on my 2A, loads more road noise but they do look good, and perform very well in the mud.
I got a pair of Bronco Roughrider retreads the other week, my wages aren't in the Grizzly Claw region , dunno what their like off road yet I will be going up to Langdale in a couple of weeks to find out. Any how I think I could be the silly arse of the month but we'll see.

Hey up Gman are you a floyd fan then, The pink type not the cooking type, well you could be the cooking type as well but that wasn't the floyd I meant.
How were the roughriders Grunt? Thats whats going on mine soon as I got a set of 5 for £100 that have only been used once.
OK on the road they make a humming noise you can hear if the windows open but not loud enough to be annoying. Haven't tried them offroad yet but they can't be worse than the Ats they replaced. Bronco reckon they are the same tread pattern as Colway Mts.
GRUNT said:
I got a pair of Bronco Roughrider retreads the other week, my wages aren't in the Grizzly Claw region , dunno what their like off road yet I will be going up to Langdale in a couple of weeks to find out. Any how I think I could be the silly arse of the month but we'll see.

Hey up Gman are you a floyd fan then, The pink type not the cooking type, well you could be the cooking type as well but that wasn't the floyd I meant.

The Grizzlys' were a xmas and birthday present form the current Mrs. Gman.
Yup, a big Floyd fan, Dave Gilmour is a hero of mine. Been playing guitar for over twenty years and aspire to reach his skill level. not there yet tho' and probably never will be.
Guitarman said:
The Grizzlys' were a xmas and birthday present form the current Mrs. Gman.
Yup, a big Floyd fan, Dave Gilmour is a hero of mine. Been playing guitar for over twenty years and aspire to reach his skill level. not there yet tho' and probably never will be.

who? ;)
I'm with you yella, never heard of them - and they've never bothered posting on this forum. Unless of course they're known as Ming?!
How dare you use the words " guitar music" and "gaylander" in the same sentence.

Didgeridoos' suck, oh hang on, I mean blow, yes, you blow into a didgeridoo.

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