1. M

    Opinions please

    No that's all very valid Paul and thanks for your honesty To be honest with people here (and I will also add something to the listing) the reason I am selling is that as much fun as a defender is to drive along green lanes etc.. I've not been off the beaten track in a while and it's only used...
  2. M

    Opinions please

    noted for removal when I'm adding pics ;)
  3. M

    Opinions please

    Thanks for the comments so far guys plan to get some more pics over the weekend on there as I don't have many as for thoughts on being overpriced, I've been looking around on ebay, autotrader etc.. thought it was pretty fair with a reserve of £2850 which is what I need for it if I'm honest...
  4. M

    Opinions please

    Hi guys, can I have your honest opinions on my ad please? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=290369754207 ebay item 290369754207 if the linky doesn't work I've not sold anything on ebay in years.. in fact, I try to stay away from it as I'll end up buying so much crap I...
  5. M

    my first landy

    buy mine! :D problem solved
  6. M

    wot d'ya reckon its worth? SIII

    anyone on here be interested in this as is for £450? I'll get some pictures over the weekend
  7. M

    The Scroats have been back

    other than having an angry dog in the back too, I think you'll have the most secure Defender anyone's ever seen Better safe than sorry though!
  8. M

    Winch Security

    Nowt safe nowadays! havin to weld stuff on ya motor! I remember the days when you didn't even ave to lock the doors
  9. M

    Speed Limits

    should be classed as private/light goods vehicle which is the same as a car well.. it is on my wee Golf anyway Hard top weights are (had to google it :D ) 90 Gross weight - 2400kg 110 Gross weight - 3050kg even so.. I'm confused! technically.. what speed limit applies?
  10. M

    BFG MT's - anyone know where's cheap?

    As title really would like to have a matching spare on the back on the Landie the one on it at the moment isn't even the correct size so is as useful as tit's on a nun! looking around and the cheapest I've found so far is £140 inc. VAT anyone know where I might be able to get one cheaper...
  11. M

    Front wheel bearing - how tight?

    might be worth backing off the brake shoes a notch while checking.. might be rubbing a little causing the drag
  12. M

    your views guys

    judging by where the air filter has been placed, who ever fitted it didn't know what they were doing! not telling you how to suck eggs but as with all Landies, it depends what your looking for and how much work you willing to do (and are capable of doing ie.. welding) as a project like that...
  13. M

    wot d'ya reckon its worth? SIII

    Oh.. forgot to mention! thanks for ya replies bit rude not to thank you!
  14. M

    wot d'ya reckon its worth? SIII

    yeah I kind of figured I was being optimistic makes sense for me to put a bit of effort in, sort the remaining bits n welding and get a ticket on it
  15. M

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    spent the weekend replacing worn bushes and rebuilding the handbrake as the adjuster was about as useful as a chocolate fireguard! :D
  16. M

    wild weekend.

    I'll wouldn't mind joining in on this if there'd be room for a bald n bearded wonder that is me!
  17. M

    Yay money has come in!!

    Oy.. undead! Update ya post with the news would ya :p
  18. M

    wot d'ya reckon its worth? SIII

    Time has come for the Series III to go! I'm too tall to drive it comfortably and the defender's been reliable since I brought it a couple of months ago, so it's time I get rid of my Series III any idea what I should ask/expect to get for it? it's an ex BT 1982 2.25 petrol SWB Station wagon...
  19. M

    CB Radios... anyoue using them?

    think it depends on the aerial speaking of which.. the aerial on mine is HUGE! at least 4ft... and mounted on the roof! could I just buy a smaller one?
  20. M

    CB Radios... anyoue using them?

    my defender came with a CB.. only used/On when greenlaning