whats classed as "decent" tyres?

I suspect Mud tyres with some tread on them ...

But I'll probably be going with BFG AT's ... I haven't any others .. but they rarelt stop me!

(Famous last words ..)
cant go wrong with a good set of muds till you get stuck
I'd love a set ... but too many unexpected (read feckin' expensive) 'things' happened to us this year, so no spare cash at all ..

Next year ... ;)
the plains dont get muddy? ooo yes they do! :)


might be well up for it, altough Jan or Feb is planning too way ahead for me..
I've perused my Memory Map and have come up with a roughly oval shaped route that at present time is 162 miles in length. I also have a couple of approx 100mile circular routes. So depending on how the reconnoitre goes I think we'll be looking at the 160mile route with the aim to do about 100miles on the Sat and the remainder on the Sun, as this will let people get away earlyish on the Sun. Starting point is likely to be near Frome heading East along the Northern edge of the Plains swinging South near Andover. Then heading West back towards Frome. following the southern flanks of the Plains.
A/T's ok?

cough cough - did that last experience answer your question

actually - yes. just make sure either im here, or some other crazy fool is there with enough grip to get you out!!

redwings you on facebook?
ps i will be up for a recce run if a few peeps are up for it one weekend before that lot go - just that im gonna be all out kit prepping well into the new year, maybe check out if the 160 mile loop is doable in december or something?

as long as theres another couple of vehicles we should be ok!
cough cough - did that last experience answer your question

actually - yes. just make sure either im here, or some other crazy fool is there with enough grip to get you out!!

redwings you on facebook?

Tirfor 4 Waffles and a ground anchor in me 90. shud get anyone out of the worst of any poo we get into.

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