1. nigel ramsbottom

    Hi :)

    Hello Razor!;)
  2. nigel ramsbottom

    R.I.P my 2 1/4 diesel

    you know if i talk to elton's brother's friend i think he may be able to make your pictures a little bigger so we can see them without having to use jordal bank. if you would like me to have a word with him just pm me later honey
  3. nigel ramsbottom


    heeeloooo boys! I've just been to the doctors for a little problem I have, and he told me I need a 'Coultas'. He says i have to use it at least 4 times everyday. But I don't know what one is or where to get one. I know, ask the doctor ,but he is a very busy man and i don't like to bother him...
  4. nigel ramsbottom

    And the winner is .........

    oh !goody !does it have any butch men on it ?
  5. nigel ramsbottom

    Members Ranking

    that 'ill work or perhaps bawlucks and phuck and toewat and phanknee and of course bar steward
  6. nigel ramsbottom

    porn for grunt

    can elton and i join in? we promise to leave the girls alone. i really need a good soapin up
  7. nigel ramsbottom

    Blead nipples

    can i also suggest that perhaps a red cross drop of essential supplies be flown in. beer,dope and those female things called women. start collecting at you local supermarket today.
  8. nigel ramsbottom

    Blead nipples

    oh! dear slob old mate , i'm ever so sorry to hear about your financial hardships. perhaps i could put a collection tin in my salon for you? or could we at landyzone have a slob-o-thon to raise money for you . i'd hate to think of you having to go back to work. i could give you work sweeping up...
  9. nigel ramsbottom

    Diesel Engine Colour

    hi sweetie, when i had my butch series a few months back the engine was painted 'freelander cerise' with some parts high lighted in 'day-glo black' it was really 'bitchin'. my partner used to get really hard every time he seen it. i have some in a small tube incase i needed a touch up. love...
  10. nigel ramsbottom

    2'' Reciever tube or Pintle ?

    paddocks do one i think. and its not a flooking truck
  11. nigel ramsbottom

    Jammed 'starter motor'.

    hi darlings yes i had a pink series just like the SAS have but it was to manly for me. i had to sell it and get another gaylander. which i have had converted into a mobile hairdressers salon. as for mrs/mr ming she says she doesn't like you cos you look to butch for her. she like to have a...
  12. nigel ramsbottom

    weird stuff you can find on ebay

    http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=4648311571 hi boys, i thought this would look good in lilac and powder puff blue,what do you think.. i'd like to get in that rangie, i mean, who wouldn't seeing as how he's made a right arse of it. btw i got this in the range rover bit...
  13. nigel ramsbottom

    Jammed 'starter motor'.

    hi heidi sweetie. whats all this talk about men that are hard? are you keeping secrets from me? i hope not!! you naughty boy you. mrs ming called for a hair do, when i asked when she wanted the appointment for she said not to bother and that she would just bring it in and leave it. i must...
  14. nigel ramsbottom

    So how can i bypass this !!!

    i get my partner to give me one while i'm driving and i can't see why i can be watching al pacino in cruisin at the same time. of course having a freelander it a joy to have something to watch while waiting for the AA to turn up. i got rid of the RAC after elton ran away with the recovery hunk...
  15. nigel ramsbottom

    weird stuff you can find on ebay

    i too have a cherished number!! it's a little black number with nice little yellow bows on the shoulders.. elton bought it for me before he ran away with the rac man.
  16. nigel ramsbottom

    Question about air tools...

    never mind all that bollocks my hair compresser just died and i can do a thing with it i can't even get the cover off to see if it the brushes (i have spare brushes)
  17. nigel ramsbottom

    Will they fit my Disco?

    my my you silly boy!! there are lots of web site that do that sort of thing for you. my friend has one for conversions(of a kind)
  18. nigel ramsbottom

    ford transit gearbox

    hi boys!! i'm quite good with trannies, what can i do to help??
  19. nigel ramsbottom

    find the kid

    now boys! don't be like that, elton and i have got a series now after the last time i shampooed the freelander and the roof fell off. its a real mans car and that clutch, well i'm glad it has that middle seat , that way elton can help me press the clutch pedal. i'm going to have it painted...
  20. nigel ramsbottom

    Advice! Permanent Battery Drain On My 2003 Freelander Td4

    ooooo! i think minger is getting upset now. he'll be beeping his horn at us in a minute cos its the only thing that works on his freelander, apart from the curling tongs.. i like that bit about getting a motor we can be proud of thats really good.... but i think he should take his own advice...