Good day Slob. You were looking for some Diesel spark plugs well look no further in your quest. Your Fairy Godmother has the answer Lanz Bulldog Tractors used them So just go to a John Deere agent and they will get you all you want and more . HAVE A NICE DAY. Pity i am enebriated because Id given you the part no
call me a **** if you like, i don't care, but what is the pôint of spending a **** load of dosh on something you can't see( iknow there are a lot of things that you buy that you can't see but none are as pointless as a number plate with some hidden meaning)? unless you get the deck chairs out and you sit in your drive looking at the front of yer gaylander.. maybe they should have
14 mtw 4 t
as a number plate.
there is a prize for the first to deciper that one..
i have always thought personalised no. plates a little sad, i have yet to see one that actually says something, the majority have to move a letter or strategically place a bolt to make them say something. really they are a bit 1970's ish.
I don't agree, personalised no. plates aren't a little sad. Not at all They are the saddest gayest bollocks that clever people persuaded thicko idiots to buy 'cos their sad miserable little lives weren't complete without one. The thing is that the majority of the human race are like sheep and if one person has something then the rest want the same even if the number plate reads "I am ****".
Morning guys just passing by and thought Id say " Morning All ".
Have a good day.... Oh yella Disco be down your way after Billing this year laning so may see ya some time...:)
Sorted we will do that. We are spending 3 days laning in your neck of the woods. Strata Florida is one we have to do....:D
oh deary me.
i have to hold my hand up. i have a cherished number plate!
not on the disco yet. still on a certificate.

saddo ormus.
wish i had that one!

saw one last light in the pub car park. red bmw with E10RSE.
looked like HORSE.
yella disco said:
i have always thought personalised no. plates a little sad, i have yet to see one that actually says something, the majority have to move a letter or strategically place a bolt to make them say something. really they are a bit 1970's ish.

Used to see one around West Sussex - guy had stuck TOO 510W on a Ferrari or Lamborghini or some other such piece of poser's crap
ormus said:
saw one last light in the pub car park. red bmw with E10RSE.
looked like HORSE.

it only looked like horse if you were ****ed, it was foggy and you squinted otherwise it lookied like e10rse, which basically says NOTHING
i too have a cherished number!! it's a little black number with nice little yellow bows on the shoulders.. elton bought it for me before he ran away with the rac man.

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