i was thinking the same thing. and all i could come up with was...
oh dear gran's snuffed it!! we better get the undertaker.
no don't do that i'll have a look on e bay for an old coffin.
oh look dear i've found one! i'll put a bid in now , shall i?
well what lenght is it? she was quite tall you know
.. emm! good point, maybe they have an extension you can put on it, i'll check.( now where that "ask seller a question bit")
. . ./
. no dear they don't have one but they say it's quite deep so we can just fold her up. any bit still stickin out the dog can have..;
just need to go down the allotment and dig a hole.
how about where the cucumbers go ? you know she liked a cucumber or two.
thats disgusting! do we have to put up with this kind of thing on here? where will it end? if ben cartwright was here he wouldn't stand for it! and neither would hoss
My dear sir I would like to offer my most humblest of apologies if I have offended you in any way. I am totaly at fault and should have thought more about submitting that link. May I in my defence deal with each of your points.

1, Yes it is somewhat disgusting. But think of the poor lad who took the photograph and has to see that sort of sight on a regular basis. The reason I posted the link was to bring his plight to the general public, and hopefully try to end his misery. If Bob Geldof can do it so can I.

2, No you don't have to put up with it on here, but seeing as how this is a caring type of forum and we have everybodies interest at heart, what better place to get support for this worthwhile cause.

3, Where will all what end?

4, If Ben Cartwrite then he aught to learn.

5, Hoss is just an unfeeling charismaless meddling buffoon, who doesn't understand.

I hope this clears things up, and I look forward to your support in this matter.
dear grunt,
thank you for clearing up the matters i put into question, and i have to say i agree with you on you points about hoss. however i would just like to add that hoss is an arse or is that a hoss's arse.
if you had informed me of your condition beforehand i would have sent my support to you(after washing it of course) so to end i ask you these things A) do you still have the afflection? and B) do you still need my support?

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