hi heidi sweetie. whats all this talk about men that are hard? are you keeping secrets from me? i hope not!! you naughty boy you.
mrs ming called for a hair do, when i asked when she wanted the appointment for she said not to bother and that she would just bring it in and leave it. i must say i was taken aback when i seen just what a hunk of a man she is. oh! ming you lucky boy,, those pecks are just to die for, and that tight round bottom oooooooooooooo!
anyway you be glad to hear that i sold my series as i couldn't use the clutch on my own and i don't think they come with an auto box, so its back to my gaylander mobile hair salon. how i miss the butchness of my pink series, i really felt like one of those tough SAS real men in it. come to think of i i feel like one now.
well must dash i have a stylist coming round to do my toe nail and polish my albert.
bye for now darlings huggies xxxx
Hey, cute poodle ;)

Did you really have a pink series landy? Did it effect its performance in any way? Bitch to keep clean I hear !!
Ey Ramsbum bloke!

You stay away from Mrs Ming! She's my customer now!!!!!Grrr
Comming down here wi yer pink hair doo, do yer know how rediculus yer look
Im warning yer!!!!!
hi darlings yes i had a pink series just like the SAS have but it was to manly for me. i had to sell it and get another gaylander. which i have had converted into a mobile hairdressers salon.
as for mrs/mr ming she says she doesn't like you cos you look to butch for her. she like to have a more feminine hairdresser. and she reckons your under arm hygene is a bit suspect... and i don't have a pink hair do .....the picture is fifi my adorable poodle. fifi was a present from my last partner.
Ha !Now i know your lying cos mrs Ming likes the smell of my pits, cos she said so! nahh!
And she says your nowt but a big wuss, with a smelly dog that ****s all over her rockit
So! Talk to me ar*e cos the face aint listning bitch!

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