
Hi Folks, just ordered me an Alpine DVD player to go in me freelander to accompany me standard 6 cd changer located as standard under passenger seat. The dvd player is really cool and has a 6.5" screen that pops out when pressed....however what i want to know is does anyone know how i can bypass the option where as it will only allow you to view it if the handbrake is on. Surely this can be bypassed by a single wire that must connect the handbrake to the dvd player....any thoughts guys......
I can not recomend bypassing it at all but if you found the cable that meets the one from the handbreak, then you either need to give it a constant 12v, no connection or earth it which ever way round the handbreak light switch works.
so i can watch (sort of) or listen to films whilst i driving long distances.
I also intend to plug it into the 2 rear mounted monitors i have in the back for me kids.
You WILL crash your car if watching a film whilst driving. Even if only listening you'll be tempted to view on occasions.
Long distance = motoways = fast driving. Watching films is naughty.
that is the most irresponsible idiotic idea i have ever heard of. i really hope you realise what a **** this makes you look.just try thinking for a minute of the consequences of such ****ing pathetic behavior you are planning. consider the fact that if your own kids were killed by some prick driving and watching his tv at the same time how you would feel. i am a parent of 2 young boys and even though i fool around on this site i am a firm beleiver in safe driving. i cannot see how you as a responsible parent can even consider risking killing your own children by such a dumb idea. i really am astounded by brain dead morons that think its cool to do such things.
Flying ma rocket all around the different galaxy's with every gismo known to man [and others] would never watch anything that would be dist active [shame on you earthling]. . .:mad:
i have nothing against tv's in cars as long as they are in the rear. i have a drop down one fitted in the roof of mine so the kids can watch tv when we go on a long journey but its wired to headphones so that i don't get distracted by it. if you are going to fit a tv, then do it properly. the handbrake safety switch is there for a reason.(self explainitary really) ;)
If you want to listen to the film then take the audio stream from the DVD and put it on a CD to LISTEN to. Or like the rest of us, listen to music/radio.
Wohaoooaaaa hang on,
what i intended was to enable it to work whilst i was driving for the benefit of the back screens and not mine, i am happy with the audio of the film etc.
The front screen would be turned off or brightness turned off etc as so not to distract me... wind ya neck in and read carefully yello disco before you blow a fuse....assuming ya can read :p
djaj said:
so i can watch (sort of) or listen to films whilst i driving long distances.
I also intend to plug it into the 2 rear mounted monitors i have in the back for me kids.

In Yellas defence you did say so you could watch whilst driving. I can't see the point in having a DVD player in the front of a car. It's just too dam dangerous. I'd rig a DVD player up to the back seat screens only, temptation to watch is not there then.
i think mark has answered this for me, as for winding my neck in, lets be realistic here, you were the one who started this thread so if you don't like the answers you get don't start back pedaling and telling me to read carefully. i read this piecevery carefully cos i couldn't actually beleive what you were asking.
well it seems it's that dangerous that Halfords have kindly volunteered to do this unofficially of course for me.
what nice chappies they are....
i get my partner to give me one while i'm driving and i can't see why i can be watching al pacino in cruisin at the same time. of course having a freelander it a joy to have something to watch while waiting for the AA to turn up. i got rid of the RAC after elton ran away with the recovery hunk. any way if jaja wants to watch with his handbrake off i suggest he does it on the flat, other wise his freelander might roll into a ditch.
nigel ramsbottom said:
i get my partner to give me one while i'm driving and i can't see why i can be watching al pacino in cruisin at the same time. of course having a freelander it a joy to have something to watch while waiting for the AA to turn up. i got rid of the RAC after elton ran away with the recovery hunk. any way if jaja wants to watch with his handbrake off i suggest he does it on the flat, other wise his freelander might roll into a ditch.
Slob sorry Nigel, the bitch war has kicked off in the alloys bit. . .
In my younger days i had one of these DVD screens in the front of my Ford Focus. My intention was to listen to music concert DVDs whilst driving but no matter how hard you try you are still tempted to have a quick peek. The thing lasted for 3 days before i sold it. Dont Do IT!!

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