1. bison4x4

    Amusing P38 Issue... is my missus to short!?

    My missus 5' 0'' Drives P38s, classics and discos ok. In fact memory seats a great help here as I am 6' 0'' Check the seat was lowered all the way, as well as all the way forward and the steering wheel was all the way in towards the dash.
  2. bison4x4

    blackbox solutions

    Thanks to all concerned. email from Ronnie this morning, no mention of what may have caused the problem. But I am back on with full access today. Fingers crossed as I am discussing an upgrade to my equipment.
  3. bison4x4

    blackbox solutions

    Thanks for that, just shows how a small bit of info can help solve a puzzle. :jaw:
  4. bison4x4

    blackbox solutions

    I tried mid afternoon - still nothing. No reply from email. Just tried again now (16:30) and it's working, but for how long?
  5. bison4x4

    blackbox solutions

    The link here is not working, links in google are not working, old email links are not working, I will try to email them and let you know Mike .
  6. bison4x4

    Pressurising Vogue

    PM sent
  7. bison4x4

    Central locking. locking..

    Presuming a P38:- That is usually the drivers side door latch mechanism worn. Irritating, but as it means replacing the latch, most put up with it. If you lock the doors whilst in the car, with the fob or drivers side door button, that normally stops it from getting on your nerves. :D
  8. bison4x4

    P38 Glove Box Gap

    There is a nice set of photos on here near the bottom of the page that shows how it all goes together, and the operating mechanism. Opening a Stuck Glovebox Door (Range Rover P38/4.0/4.6)
  9. bison4x4

    Whats this problem

    Could still be the crank sensor wiring, they improved the heat shield, but it did not stop the wiring problem completely. If you want to just stick a new crank sensor on - go ahead, they are about £40 It may solve the issue, but if not, I still advise a specialist with the likes of rovacom...
  10. bison4x4

    Whats this problem

    Just another thought, pre 1999 P38s (I am presuming a P38 - you didn't say) had problems with heat from the exhaust manifold affecting the wiring to the crankshaft sensor. This only appeared with ageing of the wiring and giving the symptoms you describe. First thing I would check, unplug the...
  11. bison4x4

    Whats this problem

    Crank sensor or camshaft sensor failing will prevent engine from running. Full stop - it would not run again later. If it is faulty wiring to either of those sensors, it could give the results you describe, but so could a lot of other things. It really needs to be plugged in to specialist...
  12. bison4x4

    Getting a bit warm!!

    Possibly rad as mentioned, but same problem on one of mine was the viscous fan needed replacing.
  13. bison4x4

    Air Con Compressor switching on & off

    The most common cause of AC compressor short cycling is a lack of refrigerant. I know you said it was weighed, but a second opinion would be my first stop. Kwik Fit are still doing the offer of a aircon check. If they don't improve the cooling, they don't charge. Other Products :: Air...
  14. bison4x4

    Low mileage p38 ??

    Totally agree, guy I knew had his catch fire (engine fire) less than a month after buying it. Made me pause, what with all the scare stories an all. Still went ahead and bought one, and so happy I did. Had a few now, with some of the standard problems, found some botched repairs and fixed em...
  15. bison4x4

    Low mileage p38 ??

    £50 = approx 15 galls of lpg (round here 75p / litre) 15 galls at approx 15 mpg = 225 miles (round town from my 4.6 P38, does vary though because of traffic) On a run I get more like 17 / 18 mpg on lpg
  16. bison4x4

    Low mileage p38 ??

    Make sure you go for a multipoint installation, using gas injectors. P38's don't like single point. Shop around, these can vary from £1300 - £2500, depends on where in the country you are. You should get at least 1 years warranty and a free service of the system before the year is up. They...
  17. bison4x4

    Fuel Injector Testing

    Quite possibly, it depends on it's position on the injector. From you first post I thought you meant it was at the nozzle end of the injector, which is why I waffled on about 'penetration' This would be critical for good combustion if the injector was to go too far in due to the missing...
  18. bison4x4

    newbe with a question

    Doh :doh: I did know, but used the google search :doh: :doh: Here is another link found using LZ search land rover rave technical system :D
  19. bison4x4

    newbe with a question

    The search function on Landyzone doesn't seem to be working atm, so I've posted a link from here. RAVE CD Manual download and use for dummies. - Land Rover Repair Forums - LRRForums.com
  20. bison4x4

    Fuel Injector Testing

    Injectors are designed to fire a certain amount of fuel into the cylinder before the ignition process starts. This is known as penetration. Then the flame front starts the combustion process to give complete combustion of the fuel. So the distance of penetration can be critical to power and...