
My range decided to just cut out today while my wife was driving it. So i went to rescue my baby and send the wife on her way. Tried to start her but i could tell she was not fireing so called the RAC man. while i was waiting the hour i tried her now and again but no change. RAC man arrives turns the key and my baby starts bles her. So he said i will folow you home a mile down the road she stops again. He checks it out and says its not fireing, and i am sure its your crank sensor. Conected his pc and said if you turn it over it should show some RPM on the screen as the crank is going round but it did not so comfirmed his thought. Well lads is he right would that be a fair coment.:doh::doh::doh::doh::doh::doh::doh:
Crank sensor or camshaft sensor failing will prevent engine from running. Full stop - it would not run again later.
If it is faulty wiring to either of those sensors, it could give the results you describe,
but so could a lot of other things.

It really needs to be plugged in to specialist equipment to check the engine fault history.
otherwise you just end up replacing items and hoping.

In other words you need to get it to a specialist, or get one to come to you,
so that you have more information on what caused the fault.
Just another thought, pre 1999 P38s (I am presuming a P38 - you didn't say)
had problems with heat from the exhaust manifold affecting the wiring to the
crankshaft sensor.
This only appeared with ageing of the wiring and giving the symptoms you describe.

First thing I would check, unplug the crank sensor and check the wires going to it.
Could be an easy cheap fix if that is the issue.
Could still be the crank sensor wiring,
they improved the heat shield, but it did not stop the wiring problem completely.

If you want to just stick a new crank sensor on - go ahead, they are about £40
It may solve the issue, but if not, I still advise a specialist
with the likes of rovacom, autologic or T4 equipment first.

Finding information on a Range Rover fault is not a strong point
in the AA or RAC repertoire, and their equipment only gives very basic info
on EOBD codes, as it has to be able to do on all vehicles.
Problem is i need to try and get it going to take it to land rover. It was also saying that she was running lean on bank 1 and 2 so i need to have this sorted. I have had the 02 sensors changed but it still is not running 100%.

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