1. Grippa

    Talk me out of buying a Lightweight you bastids.

    Well, so far none o' that has talked me out of it. Just fancy one o' what I haven't owned yet. IIa's are pretty, but I'd feel bad if I bent it..........& fat arsed gothy girls float me boat! :lvkiss-106:
  2. Grippa

    Talk me out of buying a Lightweight you bastids.

    Like you ever listened!
  3. Grippa

    Talk me out of buying a Lightweight you bastids.

    Oooo, hello. It's a bit scary in here! :eek: My name is Grippa and almost the whole world has seen my arse. I'm bored shiiiiiiiiteless with my Disco and since no-one seems prepared to tell me what size tyres I can fit without modification, I might just offload it. Thing is, I aint'ent ever...
  4. Grippa

    LandyZone at Bristol and west Show!!

    Not my fault. Jest dun't get in the way when yer know I gunna spray. It's a service I provide yer know.
  5. Grippa


    Nope, RAM!
  6. Grippa


    Me computer's set to accept cockies.
  7. Grippa


    Got spies me. Back an' sat here with a feckin' good malt. AND if there's any sodomizing to do, ahm on the top! :D
  8. Grippa


    I gave someone a girl's head once. They were thoroughly unappreciative.
  9. Grippa


    I has got big gnarly hands and gives a fecking good fisting........who yer got fer me? :mil42:
  10. Grippa

    Red 110 Stolen in basingstoke

    I'll keep me eyes peeled, but it's unlikely to still be in the area.
  11. Grippa

    Roverron Tuning Box!!

    And he enjoys being jumped on and teased by little kids? Duuurdy ****er!
  12. Grippa

    Roverron Tuning Box!!

    Spoken as a true fan of rimming?
  13. Grippa

    Roverron Tuning Box!!

    I think I prefer 'riff raff' to 'heavyweight', though both are true onnacuunt of me being comfortably upholstered. ;)
  14. Grippa

    Roverron Tuning Box!!

    Yella still about then?
  15. Grippa

    Roverron Tuning Box!!

    Got bored after five pages. Not big on reading threads me. He started so well too. 'STUPID spelling' followed by 'impersanation', at least the bloke has a profound understanding of irony. Bless his retarded little cottons.
  16. Grippa

    Roverron Tuning Box!!

    See, always bluddy grumpy! :D
  17. Grippa

    Roverron Tuning Box!!

    Hey hey, Boomer yer grumpy bastid. ;)
  18. Grippa


    If you turn it sideways it helps with cornering, until you turn t'other way.
  19. Grippa

    Roverron Tuning Box!!

    R2D200 or whatever his name isn't, not like the good old ****wits we used to get joining up and whinging and whining before buggering off back to places where everyone signed off 'Best wishes, Nigel' or 'Regards, Rodney'. Tcha, big gurlz blouse!
  20. Grippa

    Roverron Tuning Box!!

    Cock sucking pie eater.