Anyway, its the weekend sado's. Please dont let peoples spelling get to you all and ruin your weekend. Have fun.............................................

see ya soonxxxx
Anyway, its the weekend sado's. Please don't let peoples spelling get to you all and ruin your weekend. Have fun.............................................

see Here's where you should have used a capital ya soonxxxx

That is as long as he paid via paypal?
He could of paid with Western Union.
I'll tell you what K thingy bobs if it hasn't turned up in another week or so which I think is a reasonable amount of time, i'll fuukin send you my old unit foc if you promise to stop flapping....just give the bloke a chance

I wouldn't give him anything. He'll probably start slagging you off if it doesn't arrive yesterday, even if it costs him nowt.
I'm raging as well - bought a new battery for my mobile phone last night on Ebay for £2.35 and its not arrived and the seller has made no contact with me.

Only one thing for it dial 999

Yahooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo - its arrived, no communication for the seller thou.

But hey think i'll leave him positive feedback anyway.
I think you will find only a couple of spelling mistakes there. The rest is actually just bad grammor and typo's. But please forgive me Mr Prime. Isnt it funny when people need to point out spelling mistakes on forums. Like it really matters. And to think i got O level English too :doh:

your not going to believe this , just been going through my old albums.......and found td42001's theme tune.
It's by ivor biggun (not in td4'2001s circumstances according to his missus who's glad he spends time on here because she prefers her rabbit cos her hubbies such a ickle boy), and the song is called............
I'm a winker (although i may have changed one letter) but here you go
[nomedia=""]YouTube - I'm a ****er - Ivor Biggun - Audiosurf[/nomedia]

So we know you a foook off yeh spunk bubble
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But when you look stupid everybody knows. .... the look is only fleeting, and is then forgotten.

You can be stupid and get away with it. ......... you think you've got away with it??!! Stupid is forever!

Going out and meeting people is quite entertaining. you should try it sometime.

I work in the entertainment business ........... my work is my play! I would confidently guess, I meet more people in a week, than you do in a year.

It seems alot of things go over your head. (or maybe right through it!)

Just so you know what went over (or through you head) :-

.... I'm better off to have some tangable 'wit' than be 1/2 of one, such as yourself! (NO comment or denial from you...... interesting)

I don't need to 'get in with the big boys' as you so eloquently put it, as you're doing an impressive job of making yourself look stupid, as is the OP.

Having a sook on an open forum and slandering a forum member does not bode well for anyone. (this is the point you totally missed!)

As far as Im concerned you both deserve all you get!

It's been an 'interesting' thread, in as much as it entertains me of a night, when there is nothing on TV. (..... after a long day at work, it's nice to sit down and watch the dissadvantaged at play)

It also reminds me that there are so many simple folk out there, such as yourself, that try so hard to be intelligent ......... yet fail so abysmally. (and you're still failing ......... or should that be flailing?)

You seemed to have missed this little gem (highlighted in bold red for your brain to register it), so Im reinforcing the point we are all making.

........ out of this post you only manage to slag me off about getting out more and polishing my rims, (which was rather lame ...... but understandable, considering you didnt have much to play with) and totally missed the point.
Right.... Mr G5ive or whatever you're called.......

Here's a genuine, no bs proposal for you.....

If you want to send me a PM with your Paypal email address, I will send you the £85 that you currently feel you've been done for. Afraid you've got to stand any paypal fees on that. I'm not feeling THAT generous. I'll send this money over latest Monday morning and post on here that I've done it and you can post you've received it.

When (not if, and there's no timescale on this) Greeni sends you the Tuning box, you will then do the following with the £85 you receive from me.

1) Publicly on this thread confirm receipt of the box and publicly apologise to Greeni (which to be fair, I think you've already noted you would do)

2) Send Greeni a further £25 by Paylpal as a contribution towards some more fishing tackle or the additional electricicty he'll spend on using his PC to read all your PM's and his thread.

3) The remaining £60 you split 3 ways and make a contribution to this forum and donate to Help for Heroes and Clic Sargent... both very worth causes and an appropriate reminder that there are more important things in life.

I've got no way of proving you'll do this and not just pocket the cash but I know you're good for it.

4) You confirm on this thread that you've done all this

So, as I see it, You can't lose, Greeni's got an incentive to sort it once he's back on line and a couple of charities benefit from all this bollox.

Only one that loses out is me. I drop a few quid, but I've saved that many times over by reading the info on this forum that the folks you've been slagging provide.

Will leave this offer open to you until midnight tomorrow Sunday.

And to the rest of you cheeky feckers..... No PM's or posts along lines of 'I just bought a Ferrari with me Clubcard points and Maranello won't send it to me... please send me £130 grand :D;)

Just for the record, I haven't got chuffing clue who Greeni is but in the spirit of the way this forum operates, I know he'll sort it eventually.

Over to you.... clock's ticking

Edit - just to be open about this, I've sent G 5ive a PM confirming offer is genuine. Let's see ...
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Right.... Mr G5ive or whatever you're called.......

Here's a genuine, no bs proposal for you.....

If you want to send me a PM with your Paypal email address, I will send you the £85 that you currently feel you've been done for. Afraid you've got to stand any paypal fees on that. I'm not feeling THAT generous. I'll send this money over latest Monday morning and post on here that I've done it and you can post you've received it.

When (not if, and there's no timescale on this) Greeni sends you the Tuning box, you will then do the following with the £85 you receive from me.

1) Publicly on this thread confirm receipt of the box and publicly apologise to Greeni (which to be fair, I think you've already noted you would do)

2) Send Greeni a further £25 by Paylpal as a contribution towards some more fishing tackle or the additional electricicty he'll spend on using his PC to read all your PM's and his thread.

3) The remaining £60 you split 3 ways and make a contribution to this forum and donate to Help for Heroes and Clic Sargent... both very worth causes and an appropriate reminder that there are more important things in life.

I've got no way of proving you'll do this and not just pocket the cash but I know you're good for it.

4) You confirm on this thread that you've done all this

So, as I see it, You can't lose, Greeni's got an incentive to sort it once he's back on line and a couple of charities benefit from all this bollox.

Only one that loses out is me. I drop a few quid, but I've saved that many times over by reading the info on this forum that the folks you've been slagging provide.

Will leave this offer open to you until midnight tomorrow Sunday.

And to the rest of you cheeky feckers..... No PM's or posts along lines of 'I just bought a Ferrari with me Clubcard points and Maranello won't send it to me... please send me £130 grand :D;)

Just for the record, I haven't got chuffing clue who Greeni is but in the spirit of the way this forum operates, I know he'll sort it eventually.

Over to you.... clock's ticking

Edit - just to be open about this, I've sent G 5ive a PM confirming offer is genuine. Let's see ...

Fair play

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