1. Bern

    Battery Warning Light

    Wow, thanks all! The alternator is less than 18 months old, though that's no guarantee that it's OK. I will re-wire the rear, check the earths and see what else needs doing.
  2. Bern

    Battery Warning Light

    Hi all, Hope everyone is well?! Just had a strange issue with the battery warning light. Driving home from the office (50 miles in a diesel series 3!!) I noticed the battery warning light came on dimly while I was braking. I tried the lights the warning light flashed then went off. Then all...
  3. Bern

    Is this seat from a series 1?

    The only series one I can imagine it came from would be an 80" station wagon. Though having just checked "Original Land Rover" by James Taylor I'd say it isn't!
  4. Bern

    Series 3 gear oil

    I recently changed mine, and used this: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/EP90-Hypoid-Gear-Oil-API-GL4-EP-90-5-Litre-5L/302556071920?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649 What you have listed there is probably OK for an LT77, but could be a bit modern and thin for a series...
  5. Bern

    Series 3 Landy finally on fire!

    A good point! I had a phase of going through lots of pumps in my 90, I think it was the biodiesel it was running on that was doing it! So I always had a spare pump. I actually don't have any spares in the series 3 at the moment, or tools for that matter!
  6. Bern

    Series 3 Landy finally on fire!

    A relay is basically an electrical switch, you use a small current to switch a large current. You can use the wire you already have from the coil to switch the relay. The feed for the pump would then come from a new cable connected either to the battery itself or the starter motor, fused of...
  7. Bern

    Series 3 Landy finally on fire!

    I would only use any of the existing wiring to switch a relay if I were you.
  8. Bern

    Series 3 Landy finally on fire!

    I fitted an electric fuel pump to a 90 I once owned (can't remember why now), but I do remember that I switched it through a separate relay with it's own fused supply from the battery. I have found that some of the replacement mechanical fuel pumps don't last very long, always worth buying a...
  9. Bern

    Series 3 Timing issues when refiting cylinder head?

    This is the great thing about pushrod OHV engines - you don't need to worry about timing when you take the head off :) As you've said, you do need to set the valve clearances, have them all very loose when refitting.
  10. Bern

    Another **** Taker Check this out

    Wow, I couldn't see any one part that would have been from 1964 on there! I don't think it's are going to score too highly on the points system! I guess the original vehicle was scrap anyway, but the true identity of GHU 507B is now lost!
  11. Bern

    Series 3 Denmark to Amsterdam breakdown

    IIRC all of the pipes are the same length, just bent differently. This is so that the pump timing is correct, I think! So as long as it's not leaking and not stressed it should be fine. I had one break at the point where it enters the injector, whilst on holiday. The AA guy cut the end off and...
  12. Bern

    Series 3 Oily spots!

    Ah, yes, vital information that I forgot! It's a 10J.
  13. Bern

    Series 3 Oily spots!

    It leaks oil from everything that has oil in it, though the gearbox is the worst culprit! I hope get some of them sorted soon, so I'll not worry too much until I've done that. Cheers :-)
  14. Bern

    Series 3 Oily spots!

    I did 100 miles in my series 3 diesel the other day. I've just noticed that the rear x-member and rear of the body are covered in tiny spots of oil or diesel. Any ideas what it is? I'm guessing unburnt fuel from the exhaust? Does the pump timing need to be advanced? I've set the timing based...
  15. Bern

    Series 3 Steering wandering and funky feelings since doing Offside Swivel etc

    Probably unlikely, but have you had the tracking checked since you put it all back together?
  16. Bern

    Welding my Series 2A LWB -Help

    I'll second all of that. I bought one of these: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/MIG-Welder-MMA-Welder-180AMP-Inverter-240V-R-Tech-MIG180-MIG-Welder/291249791521?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649 Much better than the Clarke welders I had before, and quite a bit lighter and...
  17. Bern

    Series 3 Window Locks

    Yes, that sounds quite likely.
  18. Bern

    Series 3 Window Locks

    Yes, the new channels came with the holes, but I prefer the top lock so have refitted it. Just seems odd that it has a blanking panel for the square hole in the door top. Mines an early series 3, was the lower lock part of the deluxe option or something like that?
  19. Bern

    Series 3 Window Locks

    I've just fitted new door tops, the old ones were rusty! I thought series 3 always had the lower lock in the square hole in the door top. Mine has the series 2 twist type at the top of the window and a square blank to cover the hole beneath the window. It seems strange that they would have...
  20. Bern

    Spotted in Ibiza

    I'd class it as a Land Rover! Certainly the later models drifted away from their Land Rover origins with Iveco engines, but earlier ones like this are Land Rovers built in Spain. I think they developed a 6 cylinder version of the diesel engine too. Suzuki bought an interest in Santana in the 80s...