Any GL4 90 grade oil is OK for a series box. Good for swivels/steering box and steering relay to. Also OK for the front and rear diffs.
Avoid the GL5 grade as it is supposed to harm any bronze bushes in the transmission.
I got this lasts for several years / changes

Ha , correct only about 1000/yr normally but. Been working on the leaks recently too , I’m due for another
ha, thankyou all, i ended up getting the euro car parts gl40, bought a fluid transfer syringe thingy, not the fastest but the cleanest/most drip free way iv ever done it
I got one of those syringe you thingeys cost about £7 , dead handy for pumping out of one box into the other
I'm finding a very clear "more use = less leaks" rule. Not clear why, perhaps its keeping all the seals moist. I too use a top up thingy, makee the job a lot easier.
I'm finding a very clear "more use = less leaks" rule. Not clear why, perhaps its keeping all the seals moist. I too use a top up thingy, makee the job a lot easier.

Keeps the oil going round instead of sitting in the bottom of the box, warms up the seals so they are more flexible, and prevents the feather edges of the seals sticking on the shafts, and getting torn on restart.

Machinery likes to be used. In 40 years of working on it, I have seen many more problems caused by underuse than by overuse.

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