1. stevieb42

    Remove Freelander Stereo

    Go to halfords and buy the pins they are only about £3:D , either that or stick a couple of thin flat blade screwdrivers down the sides and lever it oot , while gouging chunks oot yer console :eek:
  2. stevieb42


    Not a million miles away from me , i`ve just moved into this area but there is nothing around here , but dont give up hope im still looking :) have few lr owners around here so i will talk to some of them and see where they go
  3. stevieb42

    Freelander Off road capability proved!

    Just out of fairness , and purely for test purposes i think we should take a deepender and shove it over the edge just to see how well it does :D
  4. stevieb42

    if you were offered a free lander for nowt.

    that bit wisnae there when ah looked .... eh none of the above then
  5. stevieb42

    if you were offered a free lander for nowt.

    where is it :D i`ll have it , could always use another one :p might even be able to make a good one out of the 2 of them :eek:
  6. stevieb42

    That thing in the roof

    inside or oot , front or back , left or right ... give us a clue
  7. stevieb42

    Hello from Glasgow

    Ooooh another one from Scotlands greatest city :D Welcome .. i`ll gie ye a wave next time ah pass ye on the street ;)
  8. stevieb42

    busters fred

    yeah me tae , movin hoose is b****y knackerin , catch ye soon
  9. stevieb42

    busters fred

    Hey im back , lets get some "inane drivel "going then ;)
  10. stevieb42

    Owt else...

    a mechanic :D tae fix it once you`ve buggered it up :eek:
  11. stevieb42

    Whats the life expectancy of a Disco 300 TDI engine? (94/95 model)

    Be quicker to tell us where he didnt go :D
  12. stevieb42

    Reverse light

    No its mine and its great , never gives me any trouble , i will stand up for gaylanders everywhere and say i love them :rolleyes:
  13. stevieb42

    Reverse light

    :o :o :o whit can ah say
  14. stevieb42

    Reverse light

    Oi :mad: , ye wid think ah wid get plenty of practise wae a gaylander :D
  15. stevieb42

    Reverse light

    see thats why ahm nae guid at fixin things , ah never thought o that :p
  16. stevieb42

    Reverse light

    might huv cleaned yer mirror ffs:D
  17. stevieb42

    Composite Materials

    could be doing with a nice cd holder :D well done on passin the test , was it hard ... or does it just go hard after a while :rolleyes: :D
  18. stevieb42


    think its on the rave cd , just need to print out the bits you want
  19. stevieb42

    Spray Painting

    apart from stealin all the good bits off it :D
  20. stevieb42

    Spray Painting

    aye , no so bad , which bus is that then , ah`m gettin confused now :confused: