mek it a section called busters how to guides, then mek it so that only he can post in there, ffs you know what buster and stevie are like when they get on a late night sauce session, if its left open there will be pages of inane drivel ;)
Hey im back , lets get some "inane drivel "going then ;)
Hey im back , lets get some "inane drivel "going then ;)
Aye welcome back Stevie;) :D Ye've nae chance wi' that drivel stuff wi' me the night! Ah'm gantae bed cos ah've got an early start the morn tae do me clutch!:eek:
Guid tae see ye back and ah hope ye get settled in yer new hoose;) :D
Aye welcome back Stevie;) :D Ye've nae chance wi' that drivel stuff wi' me the night! Ah'm gantae bed cos ah've got an early start the morn tae do me clutch!:eek:
Guid tae see ye back and ah hope ye get settled in yer new hoose;) :D
yeah me tae , movin hoose is b****y knackerin , catch ye soon

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