
New Member
How do,

i wanna spray paint the series, camo pattern.

I have a decent compressor with the painting bits. And i have found some decent enamel based paint thats suitible for paint on or spray on. Do i have to use thinners? Or do i jsut dilute with water? or use straight? Its tractor paint by the way so very hard wearing, havent bought it yet. its on fleabay. £12 a litre which might be a tad pricey, gonna search for local agricultural vendors in a min.

Cheers all for the help.
paint cars for a living mate so if you needs advice pm will need thinning but cannot say what with till i know what it is but if tractor paint it will probarbly be synthetic and will need 10% of 1039 thinner but i really need to know the paint......
How do,

i wanna spray paint the series, camo pattern.

I have a decent compressor with the painting bits. And i have found some decent enamel based paint thats suitible for paint on or spray on. Do i have to use thinners? Or do i jsut dilute with water? or use straight? Its tractor paint by the way so very hard wearing, havent bought it yet. its on fleabay. £12 a litre which might be a tad pricey, gonna search for local agricultural vendors in a min.

Cheers all for the help.

Good on yer, I have an elephant gun if yer want some autheentic boolut holes, should be able to get it from here.

Remember to get a good mask with organic filters, they are a bit expensive but your breathers are ireplacable, specially with that synthetic stuff.
paint cars for a living mate so if you needs advice pm will need thinning but cannot say what with till i know what it is but if tractor paint it will probarbly be synthetic and will need 10% of 1039 thinner but i really need to know the paint......

Cheers, this is the stuff

ALTERNATIVE FOR FENDT GREY PAINT on eBay, also Other Tractor Publications, Tractor Manuals Publications, Agriculture Farming, Business, Office Industrial (end time 13-Jun-08 18:48:35 BST)

they do lots of colors, not much help unless i buy some
oh and whats 1039 thinner? :D
the paint is synthetic and will need a thinner which i presume he will also supply. if your landy is a workhorse then i would brush / roller it on as it will be easie for you....drying times on synthetics are quite long and not for the novice to spray and its not the easiest paint to recoat as it tends to lift / wrinkle due to underneath not being cured,,,,,
when i used it 20 years ago we had to flat and leave the paint over night before recoating as this tends to let it breathe....12 quid a litre is cheap as the paint we use is 7x that:eek:
1039 is a thinner / degreaser we used when i was last using this type of paint and is still avaliable through brown brothers and mixing ratio was 90% paint to 10% thinner...unless you are confident i recommend you not to spray the vehicle.....i have been doing it 30 years for a living and i hate synthetic:p
Only ever spraypainted once and that was usin' synthetic:D . Piece o' ****;) :D
Just rub yer existin' paintwork back with some wet'n'dry to give it a key, use some etch primer on the bare alluminium bits that show up when ye've rubbed to much, mask off the bits ye don't want sprayed, give the motor a 2 or 3 light coats of primer, leave to dry, flat it back and redo any bits ye've rubbed off, mix yer synthetic paint with some thinners and 2k fast hardeners (can't quite remember the ratios) in a measurin' jug, bung it in the spray pot usin' a paint filter(have a few handy), have a few practice goes on summit else just to get the feel of it and to check yer pattern, when ye're quite happy with it start sprayin'. It's probably advisable to work on a panel at a time and give it light coats, recoating when the paint is just about touch dry. Like ah said, piece o' ****;) :D
Only ever spraypainted once and that was usin' synthetic:D . Piece o' ****;) :D
Just rub yer existin' paintwork back with some wet'n'dry to give it a key, use some etch primer on the bare alluminium bits that show up when ye've rubbed to much, mask off the bits ye don't want sprayed, give the motor a 2 or 3 light coats of primer, leave to dry, flat it back and redo any bits ye've rubbed off, mix yer synthetic paint with some thinners and 2k fast hardeners (can't quite remember the ratios) in a measurin' jug, bung it in the spray pot usin' a paint filter(have a few handy), have a few practice goes on summit else just to get the feel of it and to check yer pattern, when ye're quite happy with it start sprayin'. It's probably advisable to work on a panel at a time and give it light coats, recoating when the paint is just about touch dry. Like ah said, piece o' ****;) :D

Yer gona do mine for me it's fill of fookin flies, dun it tiday and the little bastads cam in a swarm from nowhere and commited suicide in my fookin clearcoat.

Any expert know how long before it goes hard enough to sand and what grade of wet un dry to use.

U probably dunt have that problem in that fooking scary jumpsuit, lookin like zz top, probably fink yer one of em insect eating plants or sumut.
Yer gona do mine for me it's fill of fookin flies, dun it tiday and the little bastads cam in a swarm from nowhere and commited suicide in my fookin clearcoat.

Any expert know how long before it goes hard enough to sand and what grade of wet un dry to use.

U probably dunt have that problem in that fooking scary jumpsuit, lookin like zz top, probably fink yer one of em insect eating plants or sumut.
Ah'm sure there's a polishin' compound, but canae mind it's name (not t-cut) It's a paste type stuff that ye use with a buffer/ polishin' mop type thing.

Didnae have too much a prob wi' the flies as ah did most of the paintin' inside and then when it 'felt' dry, ah stuck it out side tae bake a bit in the sun;)
Here's some piccies of the paint job in progress...











;) :D
Ah'm sure there's a polishin' compound, but canae mind it's name (not t-cut) It's a paste type stuff that ye use with a buffer/ polishin' mop type thing.

Didnae have too much a prob wi' the flies as ah did most of the paintin' inside and then when it 'felt' dry, ah stuck it out side tae bake a bit in the sun;)

how did ya manage ta get ya landy on the kitchen table buster?
didn't the missus mind:rolleyes:
Ah'm sure there's a polishin' compound, but canae mind it's name (not t-cut) It's a paste type stuff that ye use with a buffer/ polishin' mop type thing.

Didnae have too much a prob wi' the flies as ah did most of the paintin' inside and then when it 'felt' dry, ah stuck it out side tae bake a bit in the sun;)

The flies up eer are edukated they know how to get in garages, wif great gusto. Must huf been in the lofty bit and they all died wif the fumes or summut or laughin at my spray job.

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