Just out of fairness , and purely for test purposes i think we should take a deepender and shove it over the edge just to see how well it does :D
To scale that all you would need is power (FL has planty of that) and a decent set of knobblies, assuming it wasnt bogged at the bottom and a bit of run at it.
Might even tackle it in Mondo mode :p

Different story if it had to start halfway up, thats when defender would come into its own.

Anyone ever see Eurosports when the vertical ascent trials on scramblers. Guys would charge up and bail off when gravity overcame speed and momentum, great craic
The Freeloader has never been the problem... it's the people who drive them :D :D

Short back and sides then please, while I'm waiting ;)
just seen the freelander pulled up the bank on tv at a cost of 3 grand!!:eek: sum bloke jumped in fired her up and drove it:D :D .tough as old boots these freelanders:D :D ........
Who says he left the handbrake off. Mine headed off down hill the day after it passed MOT and the handbrake was all the way on. Its just a crap handbrake.

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