
Well-Known Member
Ah'm needin' tae do me clutch?
Got these so far....

Yes... a tie wrap to keep the clutch fork and the ball point / push rod held together according to LR4X4 anyways. I wouldn't put one on, what if it snaps! The you've got a piece of plastic floating around to bugger things up.
Aye true pos;) Ah did have a look at that site earlier but it doesn't say what parts ah needed!! Ah phoned me local indy and they said they had a kit, but it was a britpart one and ah wasn't too keen on it so ah upgraded to some better stuff for an extra tenner! The seal and gasket in the bottom left of piccy is for me gearbox leak problem ah'm havin' too!;) :D
If yer gets the OEM HD 130 3 bit clutch then it's all reinforced and mighty strong. Asked them to put that on mine (well, they suggested it!!) when they changed the injun over, so it should last forever...assuming they actually did it, which is wot i paid em to do!

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