I made my own using the original manifold pipe and just cut up an exhaust pipe until it fitted and welded the joints. The whole pipe has just crumbled away to rust. Doing it the easy way this time.
Anybody got the 200tdi into a 90 exhaust downpipe modification kicking around and for sale. Greasing the ujs and noticed my downpipe is nearly right through, time for the conversion pipe now.
I can get a new one but second hand is better and cheaper.
Trace the starter wire back to the block connector if there is one and while someone works the key, bend and twist the block and see if it works and work back from there. There may be some modifications in the mix, trace it all the way.
What part did you buy, it will be the other one.
What engine is your r380 connected to.
Did you buy the 5072.
The difference is one will fit and the other one won't.
I have this one, more expensive but very light for a big jack. Worth the extra, easy to lift into land rover etc.