1. A

    Indicator indicator bulb

    yep mines got the rubber wheel Tinribs - but can honestly say have never seen a little plastic lense - as soon as the rain stops i'll pop out and have a gander to see if there is one cos it'll say a load of wiring.
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    So What is it with Series landies

    I try it every time I get into my 2a - its called slightly vague steering that requires at LEAST 2 lanes above 50MPH
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    Indicator indicator bulb

    There's a bulb IN the switch ????? well roger me ragged and call me Martha !!! I think i'll have a look to see if mine should have one then there is no need to wire up a pair of lamps into my new dash panel
  4. A

    6 cylinder piston markings

    if you are looking at the pistons from the exhaust side - ie flat part away from you - then the letters are at about 12 o clock - and the numbers are at 6 o clock ( and in piston order ie 1 at L - 6 at right ) 4 pistons have an A - while No2 and No 5 have a B It probably means Jack Squat -...
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    6 cylinder piston markings

    1970 S11A 109 SW Pistons are marked with No. ( 1-6 ) but some have an A , while others have a B - is this an ' oversize ' indicator - or just a best fit when new ?? Am assuming that they are standard - if so any idea where I can get a set from ??? or failing that some oversize !!!
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    109 straight six for sale soon

    may swap u for a 4 cylinder bellhousing :-) if you arn't tooooooooooo far away from Stoke
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    Bumper sticker competition

    well if it was on my SII it would have to read " If you can read this I've obviously turned off the motor " NOT saying its a little smokey at the moment but would give a WW2 destroyer a good run
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    Ideas Please

    My 6 cylinder ( ok 4 and a bit cylinder ) series started the same thing today Losing power , popping and backfiring when under load - not liking hills at all !! Tried all the electrical stuff , dried it all out , replaced the easy stuff last thing I swapped was the points and while in...
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    new to landys

    if its got 6 cylinders then its probably a 2.6 - if only 4 then could be either a 2.25 or a 2.5 - but you never really know whats been put in over the last 23 years
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    Air brakes ???????

    have done a bit of checking !!!!!! you had me puzzled for a while there Servo was available as a option on series 2a - admitedly with dual circuit lines whereas mine has single line master cylinder - so a bit of modification has gone on over the years all i need to do now is find out what...
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    Air brakes ???????

    haaaaaaaa - now i know why i didn't suffer from the 'awful landy brake syndrome' that others complain about - it must be a mod that previous owners have done think that while i'm replacing it i may look at a dual line system as a further upgrade - that shouldn't be tooo much trouble cheers...
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    Air brakes ???????

    yeh - deffo has a servo - big black thing attached to the master cylinder c/w vaccum pipes etc it's a late-ish 2a - 1970 so could be a crossover type thing or a mod , not sure - but either way its SNAFU will have to have a tour of local scrapyards to see if i can find similar one - or take...
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    Air brakes ???????

    Anyone have a series 2a brake servo - cheap ( even better free , well i can but try ) because the little monster seems to have developed air brakes They still work but are accompanied by a loud hiss when pressed - just like your friendly 35ton artic I assume there is a diaphragm inside thats...
  14. A

    Road wheels

    they are 'sposed to be the same tyre sizes - but are actually about 2" different in radius ( or diameter - never did know the difference ) so have never put it into 4 wheel drive on tarmac , tho have tried it for a short while on the slippy stuff just to check that all was well. changing the...
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    Road wheels

    Had my series 2 for a few months now - have only just noticed that I have different wheels on front and back - SWB rims on front , LWB rims on back :confused: So if anyone is desperate to swap a pair of SWB rims for a pair of LWB ones drop me a line there's no rush because I am currently in...
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    Stuck Track Rod End!!!!!

    Ahhh now you see - thats where u have it wrong track rod ends are obviously female:rolleyes: it could stand the shouting all day long - it was the silences it didn't like:eek:
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    No Dipped Beam!!!!! But.. Have Main Beam!!!

    I've got the opposite problem - Dip but no High and am tooooo lazy to get into footwell to have a look at switch ( which is dickie i suspect ) so will wait and see what replies are before doing 'owt
  18. A

    respray cost?

    personal choice - i didn't - but then again all i wanted was to make it look more presentable from a distance , not concourse !! if you are painting it the same original colour then the fact that you miss fiddly bits isn't so important - they won't show up toooooooooo badly Once i have...
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    respray cost?

    paint it by hand is the answer - use a roller for a good result ( i found a radiator roller better for the roof ) , and do 1 panel at a time Paint I used was a general purpose metal gloss from Wick's (approx £5 ) and it seems to be ok ( though you are restricted in the colour choice )...
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    This one is up there with diesel spark plugs

    the 'adjustable bulb filament ' and the 'tin of compression ' were what we sent our trainee to the local factors to get - the head storeman was a bit of a joker so he turned the tables on us and sent him back with a 'capless bulb 'and an 'aerosol can with no label' with the words 'compression '...