
New Member
Has anyone here got any ideas as to why my series III, 2.25, 4 cylinder petrol engine, would start juddering as if losing power, and backfiring?
have changed the ht leads and renewed all the plugs, hoping to get a new coil on it in the next week, cos i know there's a problem with that.
and it also still has the old air filter on it,(the old oil bath one) so gonna change that as well.:confused:
Well I'm far from an experct on these matters, but I remember my diesel Landy losing power (not being able to go above 28mph) which just turned out to be a fuel filter problem.
Seems to do it more after it's warmed up, and mainly when using accelleration, gonna try and change this air filter, just looking for one at local breakers at mo, and have a look at the carb.:rolleyes:
and see if that helps
Don't mean to offend -

This is definately an engine fault is it? not Handbrake shoes binding.

Next time it does it, lift the mid flap between the seats and feel the brake drum.

I had a problem with the expander ( the springs which hold it there actually). After a while, it seemed to sink in it's mounting and caused the shoes to drop and bind, but would be ok again after re-centralising by putting the brake on.
Only found out what it was when the cab filled with smoke !


Could be floaty bits in the Carb header pot ?
experience tells you that electrical problems are by far the most common.
esp with things like a misfire on a petrol injun. it could be a fuel problem of course but rarely.

binding shoes? possible . but if i was a bookie id love to take your money off you.
My 6 cylinder ( ok 4 and a bit cylinder ) series started the same thing today

Losing power , popping and backfiring when under load - not liking hills at all !!

Tried all the electrical stuff , dried it all out , replaced the easy stuff

last thing I swapped was the points and while in dizzy noticed that cam rotor was kinda sloppy ( broken bob weight spring ???? ) - obviously burgering up the spark timing BIG style -

Gonna have a play with it 2moro to see what I can do - but have a look at yours cos it may be same thing

Bodging will do it for me 4 now cos swapping lump next weekend.
If only doing it once warmed up whilst on choke it is ok? If that is the case it sounds like you are running to weak on the mixture either through a slightly blocked jet or a worn mixture screw. One easy way of cleaning a carb out is to remove the pipe from the air filter to the carb, hold the engine revs at 3/4's full throttle, place your hand fully over the top of the carb this will "choke" the carb causing a massive vacuum within the carb, thus sucking any crud that may be lurking within jets and small passages within the carb to be pulled through, just before the engine "stalls" remove your hand to allow air back into the carb and maintaining the same throttle position it will throw out some black smoke from running so rich but once it clears it should have cleaned out the carb. It might need repeating several times. Still check the points/coil/condensor and rotor arm, but if it is starting ok I think it points to the carb.

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