1. timberjock

    I rolled my landy today Sh*t Sh*t

    look forward to them pics
  2. timberjock

    brake calliper bolt torx size

    thats me prowd owner of a 13mm 12 point 1/2" drive socket. fits tight as and was no bother to get the bolts oot. cheers again.
  3. timberjock

    brake calliper bolt torx size

    cheers griffdowg & grunt . I take it that Halfords should keep them in stock
  4. timberjock

    brake calliper bolt torx size

    as in the thread title can any one let me know the torx socket size for the brake caliper bolt , have tried an E18 but getting no where belted it on but it just slips back off under a wee bit preasure. :confused:
  5. timberjock

    could it be injector problem

    ok will get the sealing washers sorted out and its a 200 tdi. wont be for a weebit CharlesY wife has just poped oot no3 bairn so am going to be busy for a bit. prob April before I can get my life sorted oot.
  6. timberjock

    Veg Oil and Fuel Filter Change

    don't buy the tesco own brand its the stuff next to it in 1 ltr contianers thats 56p I know cause I wuz making the same mistake. the stuff you want has a yellow label with pura on it. don't tell any one else its a tesco secret.:D
  7. timberjock

    could it be injector problem

    think I may just nip doon and see you CharlesY.will pm when I can get away fae the wife and hoard of bairns :D
  8. timberjock

    cheaper fuel

    I liked the thread wi the wood chip boiler at least it wiz a sort of retro steam enginge type kind of affair sort of away now muttering to ma self
  9. timberjock

    bonnet mounted spare wheels

    christ I didnae relize Torness wiz so hard to get oot off. here wiz me thinking yuz were mair civilized sooth oh Edinburgh.
  10. timberjock

    New Engine For 07 Defender???

    its a ford thems never frugal on any thing
  11. timberjock

    could it be injector problem

    there is a bit when it starts but not all the timr but is there hot or cold when I'm just turndeling about jist when you back off the throttle and let the engine do its own thing but once you put the power back on it clears again fairly quickly. jist does seem to do it if your normal road driving.
  12. timberjock

    Re painting your landy

    no has to be green :p
  13. timberjock

    could it be injector problem

    its a200 tdi defender engine that starts fine with usual puff of black smoke. runs a bit rough when cold , and also when idling though this may be helped if i could find out how to turn the tick over up,its when I'm trundeling about it starts sending out white smoke but as soon as it gets a bit...
  14. timberjock

    Voodoo or Cool idea

    don't push it! nothin wrong with choppin doon trees and destroyin the atmosphere , all in a days work fir me , and if some one wants to run there engine on wood chip thats even better, at least I get a market for the waste product too , all hail capitalisum. :p
  15. timberjock

    Voodoo or Cool idea

    yup I'd like to see more of them to,keep me in work for the rest of ma puff.
  16. timberjock

    12s trailer socket

    cheers Eben. thats proper info. now I can start getting it together. :D :D
  17. timberjock

    12s trailer socket

    cheers Grunt , done that for the 12n plug , still looking for help with the 12s plug them other two has got me confused , if I need a direct live feed from the battery this should have its own fuse? and need to know what wires go where into the 12n plug to seeminily :confused:
  18. timberjock

    12s trailer socket

    cheers slob and red hand. never wired up a 12s socket need it for a caravan so,s can charge the battery on it as I go along and work all the rest of the stuff in it. first time with a bloody caravan too.
  19. timberjock

    12s trailer socket

    done the search and got the wiring pics for the socket , does it mean I can plug the wires into the loom where my 12n plug is or do I have relays and fusess to worry about fitting ? This is into an ex mod defender 90. cheers mech skills limited and eletrics even worse so all help warmly welcomed...
  20. timberjock

    TDi 200 Tops speed

    no egr valve on the 200 is on the 300. yup 200 should be better than you describe.