don't buy the tesco own brand its the stuff next to it in 1 ltr contianers thats 56p I know cause I wuz making the same mistake. the stuff you want has a yellow label with pura on it. don't tell any one else its a tesco secret.:D
Not all Tescos do Pura, just the bigger ones - and they make the display tiny the fookers to probably try and ward the vegie doozle crew off bastids!!!
Tesco site is really clever - they work out where you are and only put items available to you that are available in your local store clever fookers!!

Trewy, Launceston do it - so do both Tesco and Sainsburys in Truro.

Snozl, wadebridge, bogmin, liskeard, Exeter don't.
Yerl get 60mpg on pasty oil but it will make yer landy fat!

Have edited fred above to show where i've found it...
trebble bastids!

till recently, they used to deliver to us from s'nozzle but now they've changed to wadebridge.

do they do the 50 litre containers at lanson / s'nozzle? would be worth a trip fer 3 or 4 of them.
Nah, the bloody 56p ones are in SINGLE litre containers!!!

Snozzle dint do it anyways, just lansen and Truro. Lansen's not too far (but it's a right faff getting on and off the A30 considerin Tesco is next to it if yer comin from Exeter way! You can only go back on the A30 in the direction tou came from!)
Just a word of warning running the veg oil (rape seed, sunflower ) direct from Tesco (or other supermarket etc) due to not having been treated chemically it has a high glycerine content, this can cause ring sticking especially if used cold running ( poor combustion) on short runs . This will require head and sump off to fit new rings , youll know when as you'll start getting blow by big time and start chucking the engine oil out.

Putting 5% petrol will help overcome waxing in very cold weather not that I am recommending doing that. :)

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