1. parts wanted

    tom, back in 2009 you described an oil leak on your n/a diesel where the sump met the clutch...

    tom, back in 2009 you described an oil leak on your n/a diesel where the sump met the clutch housing and you were unsure if it was rear crank seal or sump gaskett. . I have same what was it with yours?
  2. parts wanted

    crank case oil leak.

    Yes, got that from the search, still the job will be bit beyond my mechanical ability, so garage job - hope its not a big ouch. Any way on the up side I haven't inspected it yet....
  3. parts wanted

    crank case oil leak.

    will do next week end, wading plug has been in a long, long, long time. But all the same to my mind there should not be oil in there. I will inspect as you suggest. Thanks.
  4. parts wanted

    crank case oil leak.

    It,s the front with timing belt in it,worried that oil may degrade the belt?
  5. parts wanted

    crank case oil leak.

    Should I worry about this? 2.5 n/a 12j 55,000 on a rebuild. Oil leaking from wading plug hole. Been using about a litre per 1,000 miles. Cleaned all oil from underneath today, tightened sump cover which was loose took out wading plugs and have this steady drip since. All jokes and helpful...
  6. parts wanted

    12J fuel pump

    possibly advance the timing a bit may help and check connection to fuel pump is good.
  7. parts wanted

    Hiclone kits

    My 2.5 n/a was choked up with two of these bits of kit before and after the air filter. Took it out breathes better does not go slower. Does not go any faster either.
  8. parts wanted

    5/40 oil in n/a diesel

    Yes, thanks for the advice::) oil on weekend and careful monitoring for a bit
  9. parts wanted

    5/40 oil in n/a diesel

    Yes it knocks, I sit on idle for about two minutes to get oil around when first started after overnight stand. The 5.40 thing came about because it was all I could get at the time and now I am noticing this oil use, I thought it might be coming out the breather in rocker cover as no leaks...
  10. parts wanted

    5/40 oil in n/a diesel

    do you think it will use less oil if I do? I was wondering if viscosity meant it might be flying out the air intake port. No evidence of ring failure back pressure etc.
  11. parts wanted

    5/40 oil in n/a diesel

    Some advice discussion needed. I have a 2.5 n/a diesel at 40,000 miles after new rings. I have recently been putting 5/40 oil in it but notice I am using about a pint every 800 miles. Very little smoke except under load, ie. flat out in fourth up steep hills and goes well. Any observations well...
  12. parts wanted

    camping Dartmoor/ Cornwall

    Cheers, I have sent you my details private message board, if it comes off that,s a generous offer. Just ordered a very reasonable water proof tarp for the roof rack so I can feel it coming together.
  13. parts wanted

    camping Dartmoor/ Cornwall

    Wild camping is I suppose the idea. I am from Mid Wales now living Cardiff, and hate to see the mess some people leave behind. It is a pain that people that who respect the land get penalised for others,but a lot of the laws go back to the land reform and land enclosure acts. I guess I will have...
  14. parts wanted

    camping Dartmoor/ Cornwall

    Yes that's the kind of thing I want to do, I may be thirty years too late but want to give it a go without the hassle of my wife giving me," where are we going?" as I drive around looking for this piece of childhood paradise.
  15. parts wanted

    camping Dartmoor/ Cornwall

    well carbon emissions:D
  16. parts wanted

    camping Dartmoor/ Cornwall

    Any one taken their vehicle down this way and camped? I have this idea of camping with the family in a fairly remote place (leaving only footprints taking only memories) but it seems I may just have to go to camp sites. Any one any experience they can share?:):)
  17. parts wanted

    Hey dude get well soon, seems like an age but it aint soooo bad.I meself was out of action for...

    Hey dude get well soon, seems like an age but it aint soooo bad.I meself was out of action for four months a few years back. Spend your time planning. Stay away from day time t.v!
  18. parts wanted

    Seat legality

    I find the harness fine and it works with the booster seat though the booster seat does crowd the seats either side a bit and cause awkwardness in accessing the receiver for the diagonal belts. The legality lies in the use of the booster seat.
  19. parts wanted

    Seat legality

    I have Willans harness fitted to my centre seat for my six year old girl. The thought of hard breaking, a lap belt, the gear stick and her head!