
Well-Known Member
As above, I was on the motorway today I have been on a few since I bought my 90 6 weeks ago, diffrence was I was doing 70mph not the steady 60 I have done every other time I have been on the motorway,

Notice after 20 min my temp gauge was closing her than normal not loads but it was, another 10min And it had gone up further.

When I arrived home I had a look at the radiator and it was mucky so I hosed it off from the front and rear seams prity clean now.

The intercooler is solid with mud Tryes hosing it but it's solid and I don't want to go jaming things in to it, don't really want to replace it.
I wouldn't pressure wash the intercooler .. I'd soak and flush with only a running hose pressure ..
me to,you just have to know how to use it steam claener is better it takes common sense if you go hammer and tong what do you expect.Teat it like your woman slow and gental unless you a rapist and force it

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