parts wanted

Active Member
Any one taken their vehicle down this way and camped? I have this idea of camping with the family in a fairly remote place (leaving only footprints taking only memories) but it seems I may just have to go to camp sites. Any one any experience they can share?:):)
i was thinking of when we used to camping with my family as kids started off in fields with hole dug for toilet,more civilised now but still dont like big sites
Yes that's the kind of thing I want to do, I may be thirty years too late but want to give it a go without the hassle of my wife giving me," where are we going?" as I drive around looking for this piece of childhood paradise.
Wild camping is I suppose the idea. I am from Mid Wales now living Cardiff, and hate to see the mess some people leave behind. It is a pain that people that who respect the land get penalised for others,but a lot of the laws go back to the land reform and land enclosure acts. I guess I will have to wing it and use camp sites as well. I have noticed that the Dartmoor forest allows wild camping 100 yards off the road and not visible, with no more than a two night stay, guess that will be my start point.
depends who you are but I've got a bit of land you may be able to use...tricky though as I dont know you
Cheers, I have sent you my details private message board, if it comes off that,s a generous offer. Just ordered a very reasonable water proof tarp for the roof rack so I can feel it coming together.
HI parts wanted.. not sure if you got the message but cam you PM me your email so I can send you some photo's og the land..cheers

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