
New Member
Would it be legal for me to put a harness on my centre seat in my defender for my boy to sit in. He should be on a booster seat, but these are needed to ensure the seat belt sits in the right place I think??

So, if i put a proper fitting harness on the seat (because he is to small for a lap belt) would this be legal??


Would it be legal for me to put a harness on my centre seat in my defender for my boy to sit in. He should be on a booster seat, but these are needed to ensure the seat belt sits in the right place I think??

So, if i put a proper fitting harness on the seat (because he is to small for a lap belt) would this be legal??



Adam what is your son's life worth? God forbid if you had a accident and he got hurt. Get your head from between your checks, man think:eek::eek:
I have Willans harness fitted to my centre seat for my six year old girl. The thought of hard breaking, a lap belt, the gear stick and her head!
Adam what is your son's life worth? God forbid if you had a accident and he got hurt. Get your head from between your checks, man think:eek::eek:

Surely a proper fitting harness is safe. Probably safer than a booster seat and seat belt in the passenger seat??
I find the harness fine and it works with the booster seat though the booster seat does crowd the seats either side a bit and cause awkwardness in accessing the receiver for the diagonal belts. The legality lies in the use of the booster seat.
I thought booster seats were only needed to ensure the seatbelt crossed the child in a safer position, and so can not see why one would be needed with a harness?? Have no problems using one but thought it would be better without??
Basically if hes under 12 or a certain height they MUST be in a booster, and the booster must be fitted as per manufacturers guidelines, so if you find a booster which is designed to work with a Harness then yes if not then No
Basically if hes under 12 or a certain height they MUST be in a booster, and the booster must be fitted as per manufacturers guidelines, so if you find a booster which is designed to work with a Harness then yes if not then No

Thanks mate.

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