parts wanted

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Some advice discussion needed. I have a 2.5 n/a diesel at 40,000 miles after new rings. I have recently been putting 5/40 oil in it but notice I am using about a pint every 800 miles. Very little smoke except under load, ie. flat out in fourth up steep hills and goes well. Any observations well comed.
do you think it will use less oil if I do? I was wondering if viscosity meant it might be flying out the air intake port. No evidence of ring failure back pressure etc.
Doesn't your motor knock a bit when starting from cold?

Modern engines with much tighter build tolerances use thinner oil, old engines are a bit sloppy and the oil makes up for this ;)

5/40 too thin although it would be ok if it was -15C outside

15/40 would be a better all round grade to use
Yes it knocks, I sit on idle for about two minutes to get oil around when first started after overnight stand.
The 5.40 thing came about because it was all I could get at the time and now I am noticing this oil use, I thought it might be coming out the breather in rocker cover as no leaks anywhere else, well oil around rocker cover gasket too but that clears when I re tighten the three bolts on top and clear out the breather, but that is getting to be a three weekly thing. I will go back to15/40 and see if that does anything.
Yes it knocks, I sit on idle for about two minutes to get oil around when first started after overnight stand.
The 5.40 thing came about because it was all I could get at the time and now I am noticing this oil use, I thought it might be coming out the breather in rocker cover as no leaks anywhere else, well oil around rocker cover gasket too but that clears when I re tighten the three bolts on top and clear out the breather, but that is getting to be a three weekly thing. I will go back to15/40 and see if that does anything.

If it still knocks after the oil change you may want to look a bit deeper into it, fuel pump timing perhaps....
5w oils were brought about to help vehicle manufacturers to meet emission targets , there only other use is in very cold climates . If you look in oil specs for your engine suggested by Landrover it will give you the climate requirement for your engine . 5/40 is not a temperate climate oil for reasons that you are finding , as mentioned 15/40 would be a much better choice . HTSH

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