1. Gmacz

    Starting issues! / give me a lesson in using a multimeter?

    When parked up, disconnect the earth from the battery, this stops all drains and will tell you if battery is dying on it's own. Next day it will show if still full of life or down a bit.
  2. Gmacz

    Differential light ON

    Transmission wind up - guy seemed genuine to me and not taking the mick.
  3. Gmacz

    Differential light ON

    Yes, try reversing. Should pop out.
  4. Gmacz

    200tdi Glow Plugs

    Sounds like battery is starting to struggle. BIG new battery will probably get it starting on the first kick again.
  5. Gmacz

    200tdi Glow Plugs

    The £3.10 ones you mention work well for me. I could only get three out and it starts ok.
  6. Gmacz

    Power steering

    Tighten 10 when banjo is loose and then tighten banjo.
  7. Gmacz

    Missing OBD

    Check wheel bearings, any play fires up a fault.
  8. Gmacz

    The new defender!

    Is that why they are back in profit - they have a special ingredient in the food - then you buy.
  9. Gmacz

    Chassis identification

    Looks to be hybrid off road type chassis. Rear bit looks like 110 as springs are close to cross member, maybe a half chassis welded in. Put it on ebay and let the buyers decide what it is.
  10. Gmacz

    2.5NA to 200TDI Conversion

    Get one that is already done or one with factory fitted 200tdi. Probably cost about the same if you have no land rover abilities.
  11. Gmacz

    CB radio's are they a thing of the past?

    I googled CB radio to see what it was. :)
  12. Gmacz

    Suspension height,

    Put some pics up first.
  13. Gmacz

    Early 90 brakes

    Good info for other people to know. Don't mix 90 and 110 brake parts as they dont work unless you match calipers as well.
  14. Gmacz

    rear axle swop

    You can get the mounts and weld them back on if axle is good otherwise.
  15. Gmacz

    Lr90 Drum binding

    Put a pic up and maybe someone will spot something.
  16. Gmacz

    Early 90 brakes

    NRC 9529 is the correct one. Paddocks have a seal kit at just £6 ish. Pop one in your old one and see if the brakes are better. One clip, a good clean and pop it in. Did you get the right servo if you got a new one. Did you try each wheel for locking up with someone pushing the pedal as...
  17. Gmacz

    Flashing fuel light.

    The more it flashes, the need to fill it up increases.
  18. Gmacz

    Defender 2001 (90) chassis

    On the leaflet lower down on the page it is £3100 plus vat.
  19. Gmacz

    Defender 2001 (90) chassis

    £3450 plus vat on ebay for the Richard's chassis fitted. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/LAND-ROVER-DEFENDER-90-TD5-TDI-TDCI-V8-GALVANIZED-CHASSIS-SUPPLY-AND-FIT/162259301466?_trksid=p2504926.m5232.l9681 Cornwall and you would have to do normal checks on the company. Just saw it on ebay, no idea if...
  20. Gmacz

    More advice needed, ABS working but warning light is on

    On the rrc, any movement in the wheel bearing fires up the warning light. Tighten bearing and it goes away. Think yours will be the new discs fitted and best to take it back and give them a chance to fix it.